Lifestyle Philosophy World

I’m a Classist

I’m a classist

I think man of higher class are superior to man of lower class

It’s not the property of belonging to a class which makes them superior — it’s belonging to a class which causes, or caused them to become superior, be superior

I.e. belonging to higher class pushes, or pushed them to become better


Your class is your environment

Your environment is what you do, what you see, what you learn, what you think,

When you’re in higher class then you’re in superior environment — which presents you with superior opportunities, superior ideas, superior knowledge, and superior people

The class has a certain momentum which it has to maintain. If it’s supposed to be “higher” — then it can’t go lower. It’s quality is dependent on the quality of it’s components. That includes the members. Which includes you.

Therefore your class not only compels you to be on it’s level — it FORCES you. Because if you won’t step up to that level — it will simply expel you.


Likewise lower class will do the same to you — in the opposite direction

Should you step outside it’s boundaries — higher or lower — it will force you back to it’s level — or expel you

If you try to fly higher than your class — your class will thus bring you back

Unless you manage to find your way to a higher class. And it will accept you

But of course it’s not easy

It means abandoning your previous class, which is your previous environment, which is your previous life

And it also means challenging yourself.


I discriminate against lower class. I know that a member of a lower class is on average lower than me

I know that I’m discriminated against. I know that a member of higher class is on average higher than a member of my class.

I know that I’m discriminated against. I know that a member of higher class is higher than me. If he’s not — then most likely I’m making a grave mistake of languishing in an inferior class. And it will drag me down.


I discriminate against lower class.

You don’t?

Do you actually know many people of many different classes and background? People from different places in the world. People of different cultures. People of different races and religions.

Have you actually spent some time with them?

Now who would you work with? Who would you start a business with? Who would you smoke weed with? Who would you make love to? Who would you recommend to someone else?

Is there any pattern?


I discriminate against lower class. Some social classes correlate with other characteristics. Like geographical location. Or race. Or religion.

In that case I discriminate against a race. Against a religion. Against a place in the world, or neighbourhood in the city.

In that case I will use the information regarding someone’s race or religion or country or neighbourhood to estimate the likely class of that individual — and I will use that estimated class to estimate potential of such individual.

I discriminate


I don’t discriminate against genetic make up of someone. I don’t believe in genetic superiority of races. I believe in genetic superiority of individuals — but I can’t see his unique DNA, can I? I can only see an individual.

I believe it is laughably obvious it’s that culture and class — rather than race — which is an absolutely dominant factor. History is nothing but intermingling of races — with given race/nation one day at the top and other day at the bottom.

But even that is irrelevant.

I believe in class superiority.

I believe on average growing up in a superior class will render superior individuals — irrespective of race.


But EVEN THAT is irrelevant

I believe you are what you did today

I believe that more than I believe in superficial success, more than I believe in what clever nonsense you have to say, more then any other metric

Even more than class

But again, on average: you did nothing remarkable today. Nothing to convince me you are more than you class.

In which case i will use your class to discriminate against you. Make an informed decision about you.



how do you move up the class?

You can elevate yourself to the level of desired class by yourself — then establish yourself there

Or you can brute-force your way in — then have that class lift you up to it’s level.


If you brute-force your way in — you can get brute-force-kicked-out

Or you might skip lessons necessary to remain on that level. Thus maybe linger there for some time — then suffer a terrible fall from grace.

You can also become arrogant. Attribute your success to yourself — forgetting it’s the CLASS to which you inveigled yourself which lifted you up

Then again — the ACCELERATION could be worth it.

Life is short


Life is short,

You can try to ELEVATE YOURSELF BY YOURSELF. Only can you?

Usually those that “do it by themselves” are actually doing their best to set themselves for failure

They don’t really want success — they are scared of it

Instead they want to have an excuse. Want to tell themselves and the world that they “did their best”


You TRIED yourself and if you failed — now it’s TIME TO ASK FOR HELP.


-Ask those that made it how they made it

-You read 100 books of those that solved it

-You pay someone to have you do it (yes, there are actually million skills which you can ACTUALLY CONCRETELY have someone TEACH YOU, literally have him WALK YOU THROUGH IT AND HAVE YOU DO IT)

-You befriend those you want to be like (invite yourself to the higher class)

-You WORK with those whose success you want (invite yourself to the higher class)

-You do what they do and think what they think and learn what they learn



See? The truth is — you do both.

You FORCE your way to the higher class, when you can

But when you can’t — you still do your DUTY,

You do both

You don’t just wait for an opportunity to be “accepted” to the higher class. You’ll be kicked out as soon as you showed up

But you don’t just slowly climb like a fucking turtle up the hill. You take the shortcuts when you can. You climb when you can’t. Period


You do both

Of course you do both

Sometimes there will be no CLASS UPGRADE for you

Perhaps the place where you are there’s no skipping steps. No shortcut to the higher level, higher class. Only way is to slowly climb out of the hole

Or perhaps you’re so high up that there’s nothing more to learn from others. The only learning left is learning from yourself, with yourself.

Perhaps you conquered the world and now it’s just you whose left to conquer. Your mind. Your soul. Your god.

Or perhaps you’re so low that no one even wants to look at you. And it’s a challenge to even be acknowledged. And you’ve a long climb up, starting with the basics.

Either way — sooner or later — there will be no one there to help you — and you will have to DO THE WORK YOURSELF, CLIMB UP YOURSELF.

…But often times there will be . And you’ll stay behind if you don’t take that help





You do both

See I’m a classist

I’m writing this text because likely you’re not

You fucking think we’re equal — we’re not

You think you’re doing great — you’re not

You think i have no right to discriminate against you — but I discriminate anyway

This is the kind of thinking which is holding you back

You are told that we’re all so equal — and now you think you’re doing so well

Yes, we are equal. We’ll both ROT in the fucking ground soon.

But as long as you and I are alive — one of us will do better

Hopefully — we both will

But this is not going to happen if you keep denying that you could be doing better,

And that others are doing better — WHOLE CLASSES are doing better

It is only going to happen if you grow a spine and come join me

ELEVATE yourself and come join me

No ego

Just asking yourself WHAT MORE CAN YOU DO


NEVER UNDERESTIMATE how much HIGHER could you get


If indeed we are fundamentally equal — only moulded by our environment — then it means that you have potential to be ANYTHING you want…

MORE THEN THAT. Because you don’t even KNOW what you could be

Like some poor kid in the slums of the third country. He has no notion. He has no notion that there’s his equivalent of literally the same genetic make-up — who is living an incomparably different life.

You see the gulf between the lowest parts of the world and highest? Between the most elevated individuals and the most debased?

You can’t even conceive that gulf, it’s so vast

Now of course you can’t conceive that you yourself could traverse such a gulf,


You know what I believe?

I believe if we don’t cease growing — there’s NO LIMIT to how high we can get

100x, 1000x, 1000 000 000x, it’s literally reality, it’s happening,

I believe the lowest classes resemble animals, or 5 years old.

I do believe this is the outcome of NOT GROWING, of ceasing to grow very early

A middle class in the first country appears incomparable to those lower classes,

And yet the gulf between our middle class and the truly elevated individuals is no smaller. It’s utterly incomparable.

We are all born with the potential to be gods — or lowest animals. Historically we have been both

If you don’t grow yourself — then your CLASS will make you grow. Lower classes make you grow to the maturity of a 5 year old. First-world middle classes result in a civilised monkey, a will-less sheep, rather harmless and semi-useful

To me all this is utterly fascinating

Because it reveals to me how much more we can do, if we only:



-and by always LEARNING from those above us, the higher classes

(you have to do both, and never stop)