Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Incompetence Is Not Spontaneity

Incompetence is not spontaneity

Spontaneity is freedom from self-imposed limitations and constraints — not from logic.


Incompetence is just distortion, a perversion. It is the true opposite of action — the ANTI-ACTION — for it is by definition erroneous and unable and thus counterproductive


Spontaneity is not dumb and crooked and distorted. It’s simply free — as opposed to conditioned action, disciplined action, habitual action, action which has been taught.


Incompetence is not an action but an anti-action — for it is devoid of logic and ability and thus leads away from the desired course, for it’s course is crooked.


We forfeit intelligence when we choose habit and routine and comfort and hope — and act motivated by it — rather then motivated by what makes sense. This is incompetence. And you always know it is incompetence. You know whether you thought it through or not.

(I.e. you do know that actions you’ve engaged in hitherto had yielded the results of your current situations and you do even know, or have the knowledge available of what results you can expect when engaging in certain new behaviors.

And then those actions which results you can’t predict — well those action you understand that you can’t predict and therefore forfeit your expectations accordingly.

Wherever you insert hope or speculation or stubbornness into the inexorable logic of cause-and-effect before your eyes — you are being incompetent.)


Spontaneity is no such perversion because spontaneity is not your readiness to pander to your wishes and hopes — but readiness to celebrate the OPPORTUNITY, the ever-changing, the ever-so-different turns of your life, everyday, and every year


Spontaneity is the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s the natural flow of life. It’s the way things unravel. One spontaneous is one in harmony with nature. He’s the one floating with the current of the river, he’s the one flowing like water, ever finding the way through, without violence or effort


Alas when you’re at a low paradigm of undisciplined fucking stupidity — you will not understand spontaneity — and will take it as a justification for your bumbling ways.

You must first eradicate ALL INCOMPETENCE, ALL STUPIDITY, ALL FALSEHOOD from your life.

If you can be spontaneous while retaining sharpness and the discipline of truth — nothing of meaning in life should lie your reach.