Lifestyle Spirituality

The Real Problems Are The Inner Problems


The real problems are the inner problems.

Outside success can never bring about the ultimate bliss – which is when the inner problems are not.


Inner problems are not solved through hard work or determination.

Inner problems are solved by bringing consciousness to them.

There is nothing more to be done with your inner world – for it is not physical. You can’t physically act on it. The way you act on it is by perceiving it.


Consciousness is awareness is intelligence. To act consciously is to act intelligently. This translates to every facet of life.


Solving inner problems will solve outside problems.


Your outside life will reflect your inner life.


However, upon unravelling one’s inner reality – one’s idea of outside success will have drastically changed.


Outside glamour largely loses it’s appeal as you become more peaceful and complete within.


There ultimately comes a realisation that all outside pursuits were really an inner pursuit.

You never really cared about any of the meaningless outside stuff you got yourself. You just hoped for it to become the source of your completion somehow, make you whole. It did not.


But you can’t renounce the outside not having unravelled the inside.

Not until you deeply understand, not until do you perceive the futility of given ambition – can you be free from it.


Renunciation without the understanding is escapism.

Doesn’t matter if you’re chasing ghosts – or running away from ghosts. You’re still running with the ghosts — and there are no fucking ghosts.


One can stop moving upon having arrived.

But you can’t stop moving before you stopped moving. Then you’d just be falling.

Desires shall end when there is understanding.
Curiosity only is the path to realisation.

Probe deeply.