Philosophy Spirituality

Integrity Is Not A Response To Dishonesty


Inspired by this excellent twitter thread by @gxdarz I come up with some further words on INTEGRITY:

Your “integrity” is a response to dishonesty.

E.g. you called a red apple blue. Now you want to be honest and call it red.
But then it turns yellow, and you still keep calling it red.
This is your “integrity”.

Likewise — you become devoted to your own projection of yourself and call it integrity.

This is not integrity. Your projection is not you.

You are changing but your idea of yourself is not. This is not integrity.

As @gxdarz said: “We are hypocrite beings because our complexity is beyond our comprehension. “

You can’t even comprehend yourself. To see that fact is the beginning of integrity, emerging in the place of self-deception.

When self-deception is not — honesty begins.

There is not a question of deceiving others when you are no longer deceiving yourself.

From self-understanding flows full self-acceptance.

There’s nothing to change, nothing to wish changed.

Thence integrity can come into being.