Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

Introspectively Rational

you call yourself rational

are you rational?

are you introspectively rational?


there are fools in the world

if you’re reading it — you know there are fools in this world — who wouldn’t read because they wouldn’t understand it

their rationality is limited to their basic needs

and it’s ok

our ancestors were the same

statistically some of us are smarter — therefore capable of greater feats of rationality

and collectively we slowly become smarter

each one of us making a contribution


there are fools in the world and you call them fool and don’t expect much rationality from them, other then in regards to their basic needs and desires, and some short-term plans

but then there are those of us that build rockets

those of us who redistribute recourses in efficient way (for some fee)

those of us who manage labour of others

those of us who build systems

those of us who explore beauty

and those of us who explore souls


the problem is that being rational in one aspect of life doesn’t necessitate ability to be rational in other facets of life

this confusion is problematic


this confusion is problematic because you call yourself rational

because you “think things through”, right?

only are you introspectively rational?

are your life decisions rational?

is how you manage every single second of your life rational?


and you call someone rational

he built a rocket

why do you think he can built a team?

perhaps you’re not so naive so as to hope the rocket engineer would be a great artist

but why do you believe the rocked engineer should have any clue about business… let alone about life?


we label men either rational or stupid

we pick a couple characteristics and then put a definite label

then we’re surprised our results make no sense

this must end


to me one who lives well is MORE rational then one who flies men to the moon

your first and last challenge is to live well

worldly conquers are just subset of this greater mission of living well

but then again the one living well can be technically irrational

he didn’t hone his acumen solving technical problems

he solved the problems of existence instead


don’t throw these two into one basket


please look around yourself and see:

-how irrational men are about their goals

-how irrational men are about their plans

-how irrationally devoid of accountability

-how irrationally bad at numbers

-…and then often still irrational with most simple things they do — from shopping to driving a car to eating a sapper

…but perhaps they build rockets


understand that intelligence is a process — not a finite fact

you have to be continuously intelligent, continuously rational

you call someone smart because he outsmarts you in some stupid school test — yet he can’t even change a light bulb?

stop tarring everyone with the same brush


and now look at yourself

you – who labelled you “rational”

even though you’re so stupid and you know it

you labelled yourself rational because:

-you solved some test in school with A mark

-you made x amount of money

-you read books, wow

-you’re consistently more rational in some narrow facet of life then the rest of the stupid populace

-you think rationality is that single key which opens doors, and you want to open doors

and now you think you’re “rational”

and you’re blind to your own stupidity

perhaps your life is shambles

perhaps your plan is great — only it doesn’t work

you’re irrational



are you introspectively rational?

that means — are you RATIONAL about your own psychological constitution

your long term plans

your ego

your identity

your experiences in this world

your feelings

your meaning


stop calling yourself rational

stop thinking men are rational

start actually being rational, intelligent

in this mad world