Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

It’s Never The Thing

It’s never the “thing”

It’s never a single problem, or few particular problems

Those “things”, those “problems” — it’s not about any of them in particular

Solving them solves nothing

The real difference is that of your TOTAL PERSPECTIVE TOWARDS LIFE


Exempli gratia:

—money problems are lack problems

—yearning to travel is merely yearning freedom

—love life problems are self-love problems

—desire for outside power is but desire for inner power

—addiction-to-whatever is escapism like every other

ideologies and doctrines and what-not are but calling for the meaningful and lasting, which is but calling for the spiritual

—desire to get desire to possess desire to be is but desire to NOT be so incomplete

—dissatisfaction with your job dissatisfaction with your wife and husband dissatisfaction with your president is but dissatisfaction with life, dissatisfaction with WHAT-is, dissatisfaction with reality, rejection of reality


Perhaps you’ve heard all that before, but we take it for granted

We take it for granted and go back to our “problems”,

never seeing the larger picture, the whole


I want you to look at EVERY SINGLE OF YOUR PROBLEMS,

on the surface, everyday, quotidian, tangible level: what it is, how you solve it

and on a deep, spiritual, psychological, esoteric level: what is it, how it REPEATS ITSELF, how it finds WAY to your life, and WHAT CAUSE IT

right? “what causes it”

because SOMETHING caused your problems

if you think it just happened — you’re a fool

you do manifest your problems; obviously you do; “manifest” means that the WHOLE of your ACTIONS and ATTITUDES had brought about that state

(rather then a single, easily identifiable cause — it’s the intangible whole — therefore we use the word “MANIFEST”, and it’s meaningful)



see all your problems — and look deeper

there’s the surface level and surface cause

and there’s the larger cause and larger sense and larger perspective

and this is the true change — the change within

and from it ALL change manifests