
Justice Is Pride

What is justice?

Can you look at justice and see what justice really is?


Is justice not pride…?


Psychologically, we create “justice”, so that we can make, and believe, that the world is FAIR.


Why would we want the world to be fair?

Because we are proud, envious, ambitious creatures.

We want to achieve we want to be better then others we want to outdo ourselves we want to have more of everything….

We create “fair” systems of evaluation so that we can assign value to our many petty endeavours, so that we can create reasons for ourselves to FEEL PROUD.


Person speaking of justice is a proud person.

Proud person is a petty one. Not an understanding one.

Proud person is an ambitious one. A greedy one. Greedy for “being something”, dependent on “being something”.

Proud person is an insecure one.

Desiring justice is but insecurity.