You want to keep your word
Because if you don’t — then there is truly no one you can trust, nothing you can rely on, and ultimately nothing you can do
You want to keep the word for yourself
If you can’t keep your word then you can’t trust you
How can you ever be “confident” if you can’t even trust your own word?
We made this “confidence” into such a big and mysterious problem, when really it’s trivial: either you KEEP YOUR WORD or don’t.
There’s can’t ever be true confidence if you can’t even trust yourself
You want to keep your word
For yourself
And ultimately: you are the world
The word you keep to the others, the accountability, is the promise of the same treatment from others
You keep your word to the world and world keeps it’s word to you
So ultimately you keep your word for yourself, for your own benefit
and the truth about benefiting anything is that when the world is benefited — the benefactor is benefited
You want to keep your word
That means that when you say you do something — you do it
And that obviously mostly pertains to what you do when no one’s looking — since it’s your life, and real life, not some show
It’s not easy to ALWAYS do what you say
That’s because we are pretty terrible at predicting the future
You think you’ll do it — alas you fail
Thus holding yourself accountable for what you said you’d do teaches you tremendously lot about what is possible and what you can do, actually do. Do in real life, not just in your dreams.
When you don’t care what and when — you just don’t learn; And the when never happens, because the time is limited — and you never specified the when within that limit
Always keep your word — and you may just do what you said you’d do
It’s not easy to always do what you say
When you fail: make up twice for it
Make yourself PAY for it
But better still — don’t fail
If you fail twice — make up trice for it
It’s not easy to always do what you say
THIS is the truth about success
It’s all “easy” in our minds — but not in reality
It’s all easy when we see others do it, or when we stumble upon it
It is not easy when you have to do it – and do it right – and do it on time
The reason we fail lies in ourselves not accounting for all our shortcomings
We dabble in all we do
We put some hours and make some progress here and there
We have some vague plan
We stick to part of that plan, by chance, and forget about the other part
Well — if you kept your word — you’d actually STICK to the plan
And then — your failure would be narrowed down to the plan
Then you’d only need to fix that plan, or find another plan
Then another
And eventually you’d find the way
But this can’t happen when you don’t even keep your word
You fail and don’t know why
Here’s why: you never even stuck with the plan
Finally, should you fail — at least you know why
There’s is nothing you can control but what you do do
You fail — at least you did your DUTY
You don’t lose confidence – you GAIN it
Because ultimately — you can only build true confidence on the foundation of your own efforts
Because you can’t control everything that happens to you — but you can control what you do
And every time you did the right thing — you are one bit more confident
And every time you don’t do the right thing — you are one bit less confident
Your successes and failures don’t so much matter
Everyone is a failure compared to someone
And we all fail to survive, at the end
It’s not failing which is the problem — it’s not trying
And if you don’t keep your word — then you aren’t trying
You said you’d do it but you didn’t
Therefore please always keep your fucking word
That will likely entail drastically limiting your commitments
Drastically extending your time-frames and buffers
Foremost — drastically improving your judgement
Don’t worry
Your “productivity” was only happening in your head
Once you always keep your word — you’ll soon see what it REALLY means to be effective