

Each level has it’s KINGS


Each societal echelon chooses their own king (rulers)

The choice is made by giving him attention


There are men who like to talk about money and they have their king — some dude that talks to them about the money

There are men who like to criticise everything, bringing everyone down — and these men have their king, some poor fellow whose now stuck in hell of criticising (rather than creating)

There are men who spend their days craving things and dreaming — and they too have their king, some chap that poses on photographs with scantily dressed women and lamborginis

There are men who think growth (of muscle et alia, LOL) is the meaning of life (it’s survival of the fittest after all) — and they have their king, some “sick hustler”

There are men who like to talk about peace and transcendence and high vibrations — and they have their king, who can tell them what blissful and healing quote to post on instagram


The moral of the story is not that these are no true kings

These are true kings

They rule over their people

They inspire them

And more so then that — they are inspired by those very people first

The moral of the story is that indeed there is not one king — but many kings

Each level in society, each level of consciousness (but the highest), each nieche with it’s predilections — all those groups have their kings


People are often confused to who is chosen king

And yet there is nothing to be confused about

One chosen as ruler is a direct reflection of the ruled

Look at your kings and know yourself


Don’t be confused; Understand that everything is exactly what it is, how it’s supposed to be (at this point)

It confuses you who gets power in the politics and who gets views on youtube and whose books are being read and what movies are being watched and how many shoes some dude sold and why this person is more popular in school than you are

It’s no longer confusing when you realise each level chooses their own kings

And those kings have little to nothing in common

And that the kings of certain level are the beggars at a different level

And that beggars of a certain level are kings on different levels


Understand that the one who gets the views has little in common with the one who gets the power who has little in common with the one who is free who has little in common with the one who creates ingenious art

And then the world makes more sense


And please understand that the only clear and objective path is the one you walk with yourself

You are thine only metric

If you harbour petty hopes of conquering every level — be ready for sore disappointment

Because the beggars are kings and kings are beggars

And the world doesn’t work this way

And the idol you look up to is NOTHING you want to be, in many ways you don’t see

And the idol your idol looks up to is NOTHING he himself wants to be, in many ways he doesn’t see


So understand my friend

The only right path is your path

The only kingdom is your kingdom

Because every arbitrary worldly level and echelon and perk and achievement is ultimately illusionary, and nothing you were actually after

And one level is conflicted with another

And if you take into your head the fatuous notion of conquering these levels — you will be confused, by how incompatible they are and conflicted

Until eventually you realise that this game was never what you were after

The only game that made any sense was your own game

And to be the king of your own life