Knowledge will not redeem you, knowledge will not be your salvation
And knowledge won’t do shit for you, you have to DO things yourself
Knowledge is UNDERRATED
Knowledge is underrated too
Most people are ignorant cunts
Most people are incompetent dilettantes
Knowledge is USEFUL
Why would you ever forget something useful?
Why would you misplace a useful tool, to NOT have it available when you need it?
Knowledge has value
Here I add one more observation
HARD WORK is great
But hard work has a subjective element
You have to KNOW what to work on
So hard work can be subjective
TESTING is quite objective, and I put TESTING, EXPERIMENTING — above both hard work and knowledge
Since EXPERIMENTATION, TESTING — is how you TEST existing things, LEARN new things, and CREATE things
All (useful) knowledge came from experimentation (and further theoretical refinement)
And all experimentation is an action, it’s the DOING of something new, in real world
Therefore testing is amazing
Experimentation is also slightly subjective, or unpredictable
You can’t put it on your CV
You can’t measure it
With EXPERIMENTATION — it’s whole lot of nothing, whole lot of failing — and then sudden triumph, sudden discovery
That’s why I say KNOWLEDGE is underrated,
I mean one thing:
Of course not all knowledge is objective.
99.9% of news is nonsense. It’s about your attention, not insight
90% of anecdotes are just that — anecdotes. Sound fun and bear little truth
90% of books are not worth reading. Probably more
99% of words are not worth hearing
But PLENTY knowledge is OBJECTIVE
There’s plenty knowledge that’s objectively USEFUL.
E.g. science, engineering
Likewise there’s plenty knowledge in regard to which there is CONSENSUS. Meaning there exists knowledge on which we tend to agree to be valuable. Consensus is not truth — but our modern, best-ever world — is of course built on consensus and common values. Therefore it’s ALSO worth knowing
Finally — there’s knowledge of those whose success you want to recreate. OF COURSE you want to know that knowledge. EVEN if it’s not the true cause of their success
Again: Knowledge is objective
So in the labyrinth of million different life choices to make, routes to take, uncertainties,
Knowledge is actually the BEACON in the night
Because objective knowledge is OBJECTIVELY VALUABLE
That’s what I think is underrated
Because things which are PROVEN to be USEFUL — are dime in a dozen
Knowledge is one of them
Therefore learn more
We live in a complicated world
You can’t afford to NOT know how it works
Knowledge is perhaps more important than ever
of course “studying”, “college”, is not knowledge, primarily
Which has it’s purpose, but it’s not necessarily knowledge
Academia can accelerate your studying, without a doubt,
Though it can also stifle it,
And once last time: knowledge is quite objective
If you KNOW something — you fucking know
So just go learn some actual facts
It’s one objectively good thing you can do for yourself