Labels can be viewed as a layers in ontology
It’s a way of organising data into categories
Organisation of data yields insights
Insights contribute nuance — rather than take away
Labels destroy nuance if you:
-start with a label (rather than the data)
-then pigeonhole the data into that label, that category
-and you end up with just a small number of overtly restrictive labels to substitute a far more complex and nuanced organism, system
If you view labels as layers in an ontology — you can have as many layers as you want — and each is contributing a unique angle, a unique perspective
Thus labels per se are not the problem. It’s how you use those labels.
If you understand that no label can ever substitute any phenomena — you are on the right track. An image can never replace the actual thing it illustrates.
Of course IN PRACTICE we must act as though our mental image of the thing is the thing. Because decisions must be made. And our image is the only thing we have, on which to base decisions.
Therefore we WILL use labels, and we will use them to SIMPLIFY the problem, and actually manage to make decisions and take actions.
The crux is in understanding that those are MERELY LABELS indeed.
Just like IDEAS are disposable.
Ideas serve you — not you serve ideas.
Labels serve you and your goals.
Therefore let’s not generalise that “labels are bad”, “stereotypes are bad”, etc.
Labels are great. Just learn how to use them.
DO seek to obtain more labels, more categories, more angels with which to INTERPRET the world.
Just understand to EVER be the master of those labels, rather than their mental slave. Understand to use them as a springboard, rather then have them constrain your mind and ideas.
Learn a lot of labels:
Political labels, psychological labels, philosophical labels, religious and spiritual labels, cultural labels, business labels, pejorative labels, even popular labels, memes, everything, you name it
Each label represents a different perspective
And you can actually organise the world using many different systems of labels,
Those labels, layers of labels, can compliment each other — in aggregate adding nuance to your understanding
As well as giving you extra quick practical insights when you need to make decisions rapidly
Do use labels, just intelligently