Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Life As a Road

life is a ROAD

-you are venturing into the unknown

-you are picking the best route — but you can never know if what’s before you is better or worse

-later you find however that it’s all WONDERFUL

-but it’s all different

-and it’s all incomparable

-and your experience of that road ultimately depends more on you, and how you DO TODAY — than on where you are


Life is a ROAD. You are venturing into the unknown.

You don’t know what is tomorrow. You didn’t know yesterday what is today.

You only know what is tomorrow if you cease moving — which is to cease living.

You can kill yourself literally, or kill yourself by ceasing moving. This is the only way to avoid he unknown

Otherwise you LIVE — which is to move and change and evolve — and therefore to venture into the unknown

And it’s really fucking unknown. You didn’t know yesterday what is today. Your plans are a joke, god has better ideas


You are picking the best route — but you can never know if what’s before you is better or worse.

You are doing what you think is best TODAY.

But since you can never know tomorrow, never know the unknown — you can’t truly know if it’s for the better or for the worse.

But you are picking the best route nevertheless. Because nothing else makes sense if you love you. If you want the best for you.

Doing your best is tautological. Improving is tautological. Nothing else makes any sense.

It’s confusion which is the problem. Confusion about which route to take.


Later you find however that it’s all WONDERFUL.

…or horrible.

But it’s all different, and it’s all incomparable

It’s differently wonderful. Differently horrible.

You thought you wanted something. You got it. You thought you would love it and your life would change. But you’re still the same person.

You thought you hated something. It happened to you. Somehow you managed.

It’s all different, and yet the same



Your experience of that road ultimately depends more on you, and how you DO TODAY — than on where you are

You are the only common denominator

Everything you hoped would redeem you or complete you or deliver you — it has failed.

What you thought would destroy you — it has failed

Tomorrow is NO different. It will be the same you — different day



You are what you are today

You are what you did today

You do your best because it’s the right thing to do, and only thing to do, only sensible thing to do

It’s sensible period: it’s sensible today and tomorrow, it’s sensible in any reality. It’s sensible long term and it’s sensible short term

There’s no conflict between your well-being today and your well-being tomorrow, ultimately. All that is an illusion

It’s the same illusion as you walking the road and believing that changing the road will change you. The places change but you are the person you choose to be each of those moments in each of those places— and not the place you’re at

The reason you pick the best route is because it’s sensible. It’s like choosing between 100 USD and 1000 USD. Of course give me 1000 USD.

The action of picking the best route DOES define you. But the places you walk through — better or worse — DON’T DEFINE YOU. You chose the best route but you never had full control of where you ended.

And no matter how wonderful the place or how horrible — the more you focus on YOU and the EXPERIENCE OF THE ROAD ITSELF (living itself) and just CHOOSING THE BEST ROUTE for the sake of making the best choice — the less difference there is between all those places. You take 100 USD or 10000 USD — you don’t really mind — if you’re a billionaire. You still take 1000 USD because it’s more. But you don’t need it


Life is a road

Your experience of the road depends on you.

You choose the best route because it’s fun and interesting and the name of the game

But you never fully control where you end up — it’s an adventure, after all!

But you control what you DO each of the time, what you pay attention to, what you VALUE

Ultimately it all becomes about YOU EXPERIENCING, YOU TRAVELLING, you moving, you being ALIVE — and not any place in particular, any thing in particular

Please live your best every day, in any place you find yourself, completely engrossed in the experience and dedicated to celebrating everything you encounter along this journey


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