What is it and why do you not have it?
We are struggling, we are dissatisfied, we are in conflict.
Where is contentment? Where is completeness? Where is PEACE?
You either lost is, seek it, or have it.
There really are only 3 types of people,
those who lost it
those who seek it
and those who have it.
Those who lost is have lost it and are not seeking it.
Since they lost it — they don’t have it.
There is no drug of hope to numb their dreary emptiness.
Those are the people whose disposition ranges from passive resignation, to self—destructive aggression directed towards the whole unfair world.
Perhaps they drink beer all day or perhaps they work all day, it doesn’t matter. Escape is an escape, and their escape is resignation.
Those who seek it have lost it and are seeking it.
Since they seek it — they don’t have it.
Unlike those who lost it — they have hope.
The drug of hope, drug of promise, had made them drunk, intoxicated.
They want to have it so very desperately and unlike the precious people — they believe they can.
“You can” is indeed their favourite phrase. You can be rich, you can be a star, you can be a winner, though ultimately, you only want to “have it”… just be at peace again, be complete again.
You can easily recognize this type… it’s seeking something, clearly. It’s chasing. It’s GROWING! It’s growing and all that. Silly, when you look at it from the outside. Wonder if a tree makes such a big deal of growing.
THEN there are those who have it!
We all have it.
We just don’t know it.
If we think we lost it — we lost it.
If we are seeking it — we LOST IT.
There is nothing to seek.
Nothing to accomplish.
Nothing to complain about.
Nothing to feel sorry about.
Nothing to rue over.
Nothing to be proud of.
There is only cold (warm?) reality.
There is only life.
And in full acceptance of it — there is the contentment. There is happiness. There is fulfilment. There is joy.