Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Love Life, Love Yourself, Love Your Work

I love me

I love life

I love my work


This is THE mantra, if you will

You have life to live

Living which involves this life, this world, and this you

You can love it or you can hate it


I love it

Perhaps it’s a matter of awareness, perhaps it’s a matter of choice, perhaps it’s a matter of chance

Either way — I do love it

I love me, I love life, and I love my work


You have life to live — living which involves this life, this world, and this you — and you must take it as it is

Some things are great and some perhaps not so much,

But you have living to do

Might as well make the most out of it,

Might as well enjoy it

Might as well love it


I take life as it is

I take world as it is

I take me as it is

none of it is perfect but it’s perfect anyway


I take all of that as it is

Make the most out of it — and love it either way


And then there’s my work

I don’t control ALL of my outcomes — but I do control ALL of my efforts


And once I did my best — I am absolutely in love with WHAT I DID, HOW I DID IT, WHY I DID IT, and THE MAN THAT DID IT


…and if I fail?

I don’t care

I only care i did my best

(I’m only answering this “what if i fail” question because all you humans are so fucking terrified of failing)


And if I failed to do my best?

I still love me

Though I recognize it for what it is — wrong

That recognition, that awareness — that alone is rectifying

I don’t hate me for being imperfect

I only recognize it


…yes, basically:

—I can’t control all my outcomes

—Not all my outcomes will be glorious

—I can control my efforts

—Not all my efforts will be adequate

—I can recognize my effort to be inadequate

—That recognition alone rectifies it — for I am imperfect — I only have to know when and where

—And if I also fail to be aware — than it is what it is.

—I WILL LEARN OR I WON’T LEARN — but i LOVE ME — the little fool, little creature that I am


I love my work

(work = my choices, my decisions -> my ACTIONS)

I love my work BECAUSE I do my best

AND I love myself

LIKE i love existence

LIKE I love life

I love it the way it is

I have the life-living business to conduct — and i WILL


This is a mantra, if you will

When I love — I let that love overwhelm me

When I love — I let that love expand and transcend

When I love (something) — I feed of that love — I nurture it – and I see it extend beyond — to all my parts, and all life’s parts, and all of the world

I love and then i love more

I love (something) — and then I love me

I love me — and then I love things

I love me — and I love my work

I love my work, my actions, my choices, my decisions — and then I love the world

It’s all love

This is the mantra



Needless to say I encourage it

Find the beauty in this existence and this world and this life

Let it inspire you

Let it inspire your work — your life choices, your actions

Love you for your work

Love you regardless of your work

Love you for you — like you love the world

Needless to say I do believe this is a cure for so many of our modern problems and plights and dramas

Insecure? Love yourself first. Accept you as imperfect as you are — and LOVE yourself first.

Uninspired? Love life first. DO what you love.

Failure? Dissatisfaction? Love first. Focus on love first. If you loved again — you wouldn’t have time for dissatisfaction. Love, and life, are infinitely more abundant than your conditioned whims and stupid expectations


WEAK? Love life first. Love truth second. Love truth so that you can see. So that you can recognize your shortcomings. Love you then! Love you so that you can treat yourself well. THEN you can “improve”


This is it