Lifestyle Philosophy

Love Intensely vs Idealize Perversely

There’s reality and there’s illusion

There’s the truth and there’s a lie

There’s life and there’s fantasy


Anything you perceive of — becomes an image in your mind

Now you have both the perceived — and the image of the perceived

Therefore now it’s plural and not singular, therefore now you have a choice

Now that you have an image — you can perhaps dispense with the object itself



You can be passionate about reality — or be passionate about a fantasy

Yes, it’s passion in both cases

One is love

Other is a dream


Of course we are never entirely in a fantasy, nor ever entirely in reality.

The former would be an untenable luxury — the latter enlightenment.


Just like we mistake fantasy for reality — so we mistake idealization for love

Or temporary intoxication for genuine motivation


The problem with the fantasy — is that it is of course, by definition — NOT REALITY. Therefore NOT true

And the problem with the un-true, is of course — that it’s pretty fucking difficult to bring the TRUE from the UNTRUE.

Of course our fantasies have elements of reality — and our reality is often not unlike a fantasy

But the more you separate from the reality — from the REAL WORLD ACTIONS AND THEIR REAL WORLD OUTCOMES — the harder it is to go back


And when you’re passionate about a fantasy?

Then it’s all the more difficult to detach from it

If your passionate fantasy is not matched by an even more passionate experience of reality — then obviously you will begin to PREFER the FANTASY over the reality.

Which will make it more and more difficult to get anything real, actually.

And eventually you will be AVOIDING reality

And then you will wonder, why your fantasies don’t come true

That’s because of that aforementioned irony: that the more you dream and fantasize — the more you live in a dream and fantasy — RATHER than reality. Dreaming more brings LESS of your dream to life, NOT more.



I say — take ugly reality over beautiful fantasy




The more of a REAL experience you have of something — and the more consistency you have in REPLICATING it — the more you can rely on this enormously powerful tool of your IMAGINATION

Do bring an IMAGE in your mind — if you know you can consistently make it REALITY

But do NOT evoke images in your mind — if you have had little success bringing them to reality in the past

Then it is just a distraction

It is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to the realization of those goals, rather than productive


And don’t confuse the PASSION you have for the fantasy with the LOVE you could have for reality

It’s not “positive” if it’s a fantasy. It’s a fantasy therefore NOT real therefore neither positive nor negative — because it doesn’t fucking exist!

Likewise it’s not optimistic. It doesn’t fucking exist.


Take reality as it is — and APPRECIATE IT PROFOUNDLY.

Get extremely vigilant, present,

Get attentive, as though your life depended on it,

Be urgent, as thought this was your last chance, which it is.

Do so — and yet you will experience LOVE

This is the passion to cultivate within,


Give up the falsehood, and the perverse passion you have for it

It takes away from the love you could have for the real world

Nourish that love

And it shall nourish you

Energize you and rouse you to stop dreaming,

And LIVE the dream, instead.