
Make It Harder AND Make It Easier

Some always make it hard for themselves

Some always make it hard for themselves and sometimes it results in arriving where no one else has been

Sometimes it results in nothing but hardship


Some always make it easy for themselves

Some of those find a clever way to solve the same problem: quicker, easier

Some of those don’t even solve problems. Just lay flat on their belly


The problem of incentivizing hardship and hard work is that you get hardship and hard work. You get what you incentivize.

This “hard man” persona suffers from the same problem. You want to be hard — and that invariably requires a hard life.

And you get a hard life and hardship and a lot of hard work — but not so many results.

Because you incentivised hard work and hardship — not the results.

If the results were too easy, too obvious — you blocked them out — having been screening for difficulty and effort.

Your hardship is not only for granted but it is adverse to your results.


The problem with making it easy is that you can make it too easy

What’s most easy? Doing fuck all!

You don’t want to make it too easy. It’s boring. It reflects on quality. When you care more about it being easy then it being good — you get easy but you don’t get good


You want it easy and you want it hard. You want both.

You want to push to see how far you could go

You want to make it easy to see how simply it could go

You want to do it hard and you want to do it easy

If you only do it hard — hardness becomes the end in and of itself

If you only do it easy — you grow complacent

Look to incorporate both attitudes into your work