Philosophy Spirituality

The Real Meaning Of The Hereditary Sin Is The Perpetuation Of The Same Sickness Of Guilt, Blame And Insecurity

Man was perfect before he knew ambition.

Ambition = insecurity.

…not good enough, etc.


Clearly we are all different but it is when we think we are better that we think we are worse, and when we think we are worse is when we think we are better. There is no “feeling BETTER” without “feeling WORSE”.

You can’t be better then others without being WORSE then them first.


Surely, the poison of insecurity can arise spontaneously.

However, usually, it is part of the entire baggage of upbringing and conditioning, received from our parents, who received it from their parents before them, who received it from their parents before them… and so it goes, ever self-perpetuating loop of ambition, guilt, insecurity, blame, which composes our whole broken culture.


Surely, this endless, merciless LOOP is the true HEREDITARY SIN.

And what else could sin be, if not denial of one’s own TRUE NATURE?

We inherit guilt for being who we are, we inherit insecurities for not being something else, we inherit ambition to create the endless strife for ourselves, strife of becoming something which is not real.


The only sin is that we refuse to be what we really ARE.

And the only salvation is complete self-acceptance and utter renunciation of the baggage of the past.

(conditioning, tradition, pride, self-worth, etc.)