Lifestyle Philosophy World

Measure Everything

“Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output.”


How does one produce anything?

One utilises resources

time + energy + physical resources + tools + labour + knowledge + skills, etc

To produce anything one has to manage resources

To effectively produce something is to effectively manage resources


Everything I’ve learnt about effectiveness and productivity is that it’s not mere function of time or effort

Time is extremely limited; You have no time advantage over others; This is not how you 10x your results

Effort is very limited; You only can exert so much more effort then others do

Serious one eventually learns that there’s so much more to effectiveness


Indeed effectiveness is resource management

It’s you learning to best utilise resources available to you:

-you time

-your energy

-your effort

-your capacity to learn

-your financial and social resources

-your employees, or even your employer (e.g. the opportunity you have received on the market)


The first question to ask when attempting to accomplish anything is HOW TO UTILISE AVAILABLE RESOURCES

Not asking that question hinders your results


It’s not the first question we ask, unfortunately

It’s understandable

We have our time and our will taken away from us by the society, in exchange for ability to function in it and be protected by it

The time comes to reclaim it: and we attempt that slowly

We start by reclaiming some of our will

We undertake the uphill battle of reclaiming our attention

We go through this entire war to get our time back: time others took, and time we fail to claim for ourselves, time we fail to NOT waste


We are quite destitute

It’s difficult to manage resources one doesn’t have

Therefore i understand why that question is not asked first

Poor doesn’t wonder where to invest the millions he doesn’t have


When you free yourself from the grip of scarcity you find yourself with resources to manage

Your effectiveness should depend on how you manage those resources

Don’t be a fool with it

Ask yourself: how can I best utilise those resources?


And what do you find?

You want to put your time to something that’s remunerative

And remunerativeness of that should depend both on the outside and the inside: outside being the world, inside being you — and how you two relate

In other words — what is your greatest talent that the world should perhaps care about


and is that the best use of your time?


You have to be extremely objective

You have to measure everything

You have to measure everything so that you are as objective as you can be


If your business loses liquidity — it loses ability to function

To lose ability to function is to lose; The business which doesn’t function is no longer a business


If you fail to complete the task — it is NOT completed

What is not completed is useless

Therefore you squandered your precious time-resources and energy resources — and gotten nothing in return

You can put a lot of time into something — then learn that it’s unfeasible — and give up with nothing to show for your efforts

You can put a lot of time and energy into something — then run out of energy, be unable to complete the thing — and have nothing to show for your efforts

You can put a lot of time and energy and hope into something — then DIE before it’s ever finished; Your time is obviously limited; There’s a plausible possibility that you’re run out of time like you’d run out of money — and have nothing to show for it


We are extremely delusional with our resources

We think we have more money then we do

We think we have more time then we do

This is why we have to MEASURE those things,

because we’re innately not good with numbers

because we innately think we’ll live forever

because we can’t bear the weight of death and impermanence, and consequent urgency of life

that’s why you must commit to objectivity

because it’s not a natural state for you, being objective


You only have so much capital, so much energy, and so much time

You want to measure every $ spent

Every WATT of brainpower spent

Every hour every day every month spent

Because if you don’t measure it — you can’t know if you’re getting a good deal for your precious resources


Because that’s what life is — a never ending value exchange

I give you milk from my cow and you give me your firewood

She takes care of his children and his cave and he takes care of the mammoth on her table

He protects his people and his people harvest crop for him

You invest years of your life to acquire education and be desirable on the market

He starts his business trying to tread his own path, and she uses the existing structure by employing herself in an existing business

She writes and paints and they read and buy her paintings

And he buys a car and gets to job faster

And she buys more cloths and goes on a date

And he buys play-station and a beer and relaxes

And then he codes an app which you should use soon

And you use that app to facilitate your work-flow

After you’re done with the work you go buy some organic milk

…and the life goes on


If you don’t measure transactions you’re making — you will be making disadvantageous transactions

You will overpay for useless garbage

You will waste energy where you could have used a smarter way, or hire smarter men

You will waste time on ventures which are too time consuming to ever be profitable

You will make those mistakes because you didn’t study your transactions, you didn’t study the market,

You’re the fool who buys overpriced companies on the stock market, seeing their value seemingly go up — then loses money and curses life

You’re the same with your time and energy: hopeful for some wonderful returns for your work, hoping to start a business in a year and be a billionaire and what not — then giving up after two years and no results yet

Because you never measured and never studied your transactions and the objective value of your resources, you were merely winging it, you were HOPEFUL

The reality doesn’t care about your hopes


Therefore from this day on you will measure EVERYTHING

You will measure HOW MUCH TIME it took you to do this and that

You will measure if it’s the right use of your time

You will measure your spendings and consider if the money could have been allocated in a better place

This applies both to your business and to your LIFE

Was the euro-trip really worth it?

And you will measure your energy, which you waste on toxic relationships and frustrations and fucking nonsense

And you will measure your own talents — separating your market value from your vain self-image

And you will do what you’re good at — and what the world cares about — rather then what you hoped you were good at and hoped the world would care

You will measure everything

You will be objective from this day on

Because life’s short

You will have spend it before you know it

Might as well get the best deal for it that you could get


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