There’s the medium — and there’s the substance.
There are words — and there’s their meaning.
The meaning is the point, isn’t it?
The meaning is indeed the point — however the meaning can not, and should not, be separated from the medium
This is because the medium is the only proof of the message
Therefore we can’t just discard the medium after the message has been received, after the meaning has been conveyed
Because how do tell apart that particular meaning which was attempted to be conveyed — from just ANY meaning?
If there’s any confusion about the meaning — it must be reconstructed. And it can only be reconstructed from the original message.
If there’s not the original message — then ANY MEANING can be claimed, ascribed.
Therefore meaning is inseparable from the medium with which it was conveyed.
Likewise medium is inseparable from the meaning it conveys
And if meaning it conveys is meaningless — then the medium is also meaningless, useless.
Words don’t just sound literate, meaningful. They must actually be meaningful.
Why does all of it matter?
Because we cling to words without meaning
OR we do the opposite — separate the meaning from the words, from the medium
The former leads to meaninglessness. Where the meaningless passes as meaningful.
And the latter leads to miscommunication and conflict. Where the meaning is debated — without first standarising the medium, so that it actually is fit to convey the meaning in the first place
Words are imprecise. If what you heard doesn’t make any sense — look for a different meaning.
And if you still can’t find it — discard this nonsense — or ask for clarification.
Likewise, when you hear something and believe it to mean something — nevertheless keep the medium, keep the original message, keep the words verbatim.
Because if you’re wrong about the meaning, but have discarded the medium, the words — you’ll now look like you’re putting words into someone’s mouth. Reconstructing the message from the meaning, rather than meaning from the message. Having misunderstood their meaning, and now creating a misunderstood message, after you have discarded the original one.