
Meet People to Know People


Meet people to know people.

Don’t overthink don’t over-analyse,

Meet more people to more understand people.


Meeting people is an experience like every other.

One becomes experienced by meeting people.

Experience engenders better judgement, better understanding.


Interpersonal understanding is not expanded with thought, analysis, systems, ideas…

Interpersonal understanding is expanded with experience.

It is further expanded with conscious experience.


If you rely on psychological anecdotes to understand people — your perception will always be skewed.

If you rely on systems and psychological types and what-not — you will always have to pare down your observations to fit into the pre-established model.

One must rely on experience first.

Then on his undistorted intelligence.


Most people don’t meet enough people. Not enough to even have basic data to work with.

The rest meets more people but still not enough people. Not enough to refine their models.

Most people are too ignorant to reflect on their observations.

The rest overthinks too small or irrelevant data to draw unsound conclusions.

Meet more people — then reflect deeply but open-mindedly.


If you have difficulties with people — meet more people.

If you don’t understand people — meet more people.

Meet more people. Listen to more people. Observe people more. Be more empathetic of people.

This is the sound foundation of successful social life, relations — and also an opportunity for self-reflection.


Meet more people — then reflect deeply, open-mindedly, and open-heartedly.