Lifestyle Spirituality

Mind Finds Security In Discipline

Mind is so terrified of dying….

Death is the annihilation of the mind.

Mind does not want it’s annihilation. Mind wants to perpetuate itself.

All being seems to be terrified of ceasing to exist, until it transcends it’s own being, until it transcends it’s illusionary separation from the entirety of being.

Mind is utterly terrified of dying.


Mind seeks any security.

It’s an obvious fact.

Mind shelters itself in the security of beliefs, beliefs which are ludicrous, when you examine them consciously, and yet, this terrified mind, it finds consolation in such fairies and goodnight stories.

Mind shelters itself in the security of patterns… modes of behavior, patterns of thinking, mental heuristics… mind loves it’s patterns, for it itself is a pattern – just a repetition of the memory.

These are obvious facts. Such are the workings of the mind.


Mind finds security in DISCIPLINE.

Can you see it?

Mind finds security in DISCIPLINE.

DISCIPLINE… such a lofty notion.

Hard work, discipline, sacrifice, perseverance… all these words describe certain behavior, yes, they describe certain attitude to certain things, but can you see, you are not your “hard work”, you are not your “discipline”, you are not your “sacrifice”…?

You believe you are working so hard to be someone, to achieve something, or to be happy, but ultimately, you are only working so hard, because you are deeply lacking…. when you truly find yourself — you won’t even need to use the word “work”.

Your mind, it is lacking security, it is ever insecure, it is seeking security. This, consequently, is expressed with your ego, ever achieving, ever desiring, whether you consider yourself ambitious or not — you are always striving to be something, always trying to be someone.

DISCIPLINE… the lofty discipline.

Discipline, i.e., the entire compulsion of your mind, the entire strife of the mind, this entire agenda, which you know at heart that it is wrong, which you know at heart that it is erroneous, that it is desperate, desperation-born, that you know at heart that it is path to nowhere, just a blind chase of nothing, and yet, you obediently ABIDE to it, for in it you find shelter, the only shelter.


There is no shelter.

And your DISCIPLINE – it is only insecurity.

There’s a very profound kind of discipline which is not premeditated, which is not of the mind.

Your mind’s discipline – it is merely insecurity.

There’s a profound kind of discipline which is otherwise the TRUTH – there’s a profound discipline which is the insight to the truth, which is the choiceless understanding of WHAT-IS. It’s the same kind of discipline in which the nature conducts itself. IT is the discipline of the perfect harmony. It has nothing to do with compulsion. It has nothing to do with no choice. Remember, when there is understanding – there is no choice.

Do not trivialize your actions, your life, your work, with this FIT-FOR-ALL PLATITUDE of DISCIPLINE.

There’s far more to action, far more to life, far more to work, far more to meaning, then this violent compulsion of discipline.

Be intelligent!

See beyond your mind’s limitations, it’s tendencies and patterns and biases and beliefs.

Don’t be “persevering”, don’t be “hard working”, don’t be “disciplined”, merely because you’re TERRIFIED, merely because you crave security.

Be intelligent.

And be free.