Philosophy Spirituality

The Illusion of Misfortune

whatever happens to you

know that you can either resist it, be upset about it, cry over it, throw a fit

or accept it

and understand that every breath you take is more then you deserve

more then you asked for but more then you deserve

less then you asked for but more then you deserve


every breath you take is a gift

one you take for granted

every single happy moment is a gift

every single good fortune is a gift


it’s not an attitude or some positive philosophy or anything when I say that EVERYTHING IS INNATELY PRETTY FUCKING GOOD

it’s a logical conclusion

for as long as you’re breathing — each one of those breaths is good fortune — and therefore it’s PRETTY FUCKING GOOD


and when you understand it you really have no choice

yes you’re upset and what not

but it doesn’t make any fucking sense

and therefore you get over it

you work it out

you smile

and it’s over


you need nothing more to cut yourself out from that sick negativity

you only need the truth