Philosophy Spirituality World

Money and Energy

Money is a form of energy

With money you can move certain things, the way you not necessarily can without it


You can move a lot with money

Physically and beyond

You can put things in your hands, made things

You can move you in space, quick

You can nourish your belly

You can make yourself shine

You can make others want things from you

You can make others do things for you


You can obviously move a lot with money

What you can’t move with money doesn’t diminish what you can move with money

Money obviously has much energy


But yes…

If you can’t move you — what can move you?

If you can’t will yourself to move — will your money will you? Will your money will you to move?

You will you

The more wills you have the more you should be able to move you

If you’ve no wills than no amount of money in the world will move you


Most have little wills: rich or poor

It is what it is

It’s not easy to will oneself

It’s not easy to keep moving things, keep elevating oneself


Thus you see rich or poor and it doesn’t matter, their lives are just as empty and bleak

What’s with all this extra power if you’ve no energy to even utilize it?


But if you do have energy — you find an outlet for it, ANYWAY

You make things ANYWAY

You bring things ANYWAY

You find ways ANYWAY

You may have little energy in one dimension, little worldly green power — but you’ve all the power in how you LIVE YOUR LIFE

And what you WILL in your life, every day, is so much more powerful, then what any $ would do


It’s so much more powerful

Because the world can only give you so much

Others can only give you so much

And even you liberating yourself from daily grind, the “financial freedom!”, it can only liberate you so much

It’s a lot , mind you!

But it’s not everything

And I’m not saying it as a respite to those broke, nor as a condemnation of creating value and getting paid for it

But the deepest wealth is within


Even the “outward” is ultimately experienced “inward”


You should seek to expand you

That means inward and outward and everywhere

It means explore the world and it means explore thyself

It means make things in the world and it means make peace with the god

It means all of it

You should seek to expand your energy

This is how you should view it

Then it is not a matter of “worldly and filthy” vs transcendental and lofty

If this is how you view it, as some mutually exclusive dichotomy — than you’re in no place to occupy yourself with the “lofty” anyway

Do pursuit money and the world — and do pursue god, and within

Pursue higher energy

Higher will

Higher freedom

By whatever means necessary to take it to that (truly) next level