Lifestyle Philosophy


“More responsibility” means more responsibility.

Therefore “more responsibility” does not mean the same amount of responsibility, and it obviously does not mean LESS responsibility.


What many do is they TRADE responsibilities,

They will take more responsibility for one thing — and give up responsibility for something else

-1+1 = 0.

You didn’t take more responsibility. You traded,


To take more responsibility is to ADD responsibilities — without giving up other responsibilities.

Power is power. Control is control. You get it and you hold it. You don’t give it up.


You can lose control, yes. And yes you can give up that which no longer interests you, yet takes away from your resources, your mental bandwidth, your energy. But that is another matter,

What interests us is just in principle what it means to take MORE responsibility.

It means you take MORE control. Not take some control and give up some control.


If that’s how you take “more responsibility” — then you will forever have little power, little control,

You beguile yourself with this idea of “responsibility”. You think you are taking so much responsibility. You heard it’s a good thing to “Take responsibility”, you heard it’s a mature thing to have many responsibilities,

It’s a cargo cult responsibility. You’re just enacting what it looks like to “take more responsibility”.

And when you’re so busy LOOKING like you’re taking more responsibility — you of course are NOT taking more responsibility. You don’t even realise you SHOULD be taking more responsibility — because you believe your own ritual of pretending you’re taking more responsibility.



Generations argue which one was more responsible. One generation took more responsibility for raising their children. Other took more responsibility for their career. Other took more responsibility for actually living a happy life.


All of them failed if they failed to take responsibility for ALL THE THINGS WHICH MATTER.



Now of course you can’t solve all your problems at once. That’s not what “taking responsibility” means,

Taking responsibility means making CONSCIOUS DECISION how you will allocate all your resources: your time, your energy, your love, your abilities, your capital, etc…

And taking more responsibility means making MORE such conscious decisions.

That’s all it is


Stop talking about responsibility.

That which you have to talk about — is usually that which you fail to enact. Fail to realise and prove with your actions.

Show you are responsible by actually taking more responsibilities.

Which means looking every day what MORE you can do better,

And then DOING it better,

THIS is taking responsibility: selecting something you yourself are going to take care of, you yourself are going to improve, without waiting for anyone or anything else to do it for you.

Do it every day. THAT’S more responsibility. That’s true responsibility.