Not-letting-go brought more suffering then letting-go ever did
You may not get where you wanted to get but if you transcend the want in the first place — there is nothing that’s ever forsaken.
Oft it’s the unwillingness to let go which keeps us from getting where we want to get,
Compulsive need to get something becomes compulsive need to stay needing.
Letting-go may get you nowhere but not-letting-go may get you to a very ugly, violent place.
Not-letting-go may get you the earthly laurels but letting-go may end suffering altogether. And then there is joy.
Letting-go is not resignation and not-letting-go is not perseverance.
Most are simply resigned and the rest is compulsively, needily ambitious.
Few truly let go.
Don’t resign or whatever but find time to meditate upon the immateriality of the material… and let go of your need of it
Let go of your need of it to arrive at joy and inspiration