Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

You Must Disagree… Even When You’re Wrong

You must disagree.

You have to.

There is no other choice.


Life is short and you don’t know what to do.

You can now trust others and hope they are right.

You have no reason to believe anyone is right.

You have every reason to believe everyone is wrong.

You see all this misery, all this mindless pursuit of something, pursuit of nothing, you see all this greed, all this strife, all this pride, all this devastation, all this stupidity – and you are supposed to put up with this reality, you are supposed to believe it is right.

Life is short and you don’t know what to do.

But looking at this world, can’t you now at least see what NOT to do?


Is there an alternative to greed?

Is there an alternative to ambition?

Is there an alternative to “success”?

Is there an alternative to possessiveness?

Is there an alternative to pride?

Is there an alternative to hate?


Can you not trade your time for an arbitrary number on your bank account?

Can you not seek security in possessing things, in possessing people?

Can you not live without constantly thinking of the next pleasurable thing? Next disappointing thing?

Can you not live without the approval of others, without their respect, without their consent…?

Can you not live without judging others, without being a better person, without being more successful, without belonging to a better religion, better country, better race, better group?





It does not matter if you’re wrong.

It does not matter that what you are doing makes no conventional sense.

It does not matter it sounds crazy.

It does not matter it is crazy.

You don’t know how much it’s worth until you try it.

No one does.

You MUST go your OWN WAY.

You MUST make your own mistakes.


You can’t trust anyone with your life. It is yours and you are the only person responsible for it.

You can’t trust anyone with the truth. There is no one ever to be trusted. You must discover the truth for yourself.

You must disagree.

Else — you are left with more of the same. More of this confusion. More of this Babylon-madness. More of this lingering dissatisfaction, more greed more strife more conflict.


You may be the scum of the earth, you may be at the lowest of lowest — and you still must disagree.

You still must take your own path and still make your own mistakes and learn your own lessons and then rise up again and continue wherever you left of.

It matters not if your way leads you nowhere but to hell — you must still go there, as long as that is your path.

Because no one can make the choices for you. No one can save you from that responsibility. No one can lead you through this life. The moment you relinquish that control, the moment you give up that freedom to choose — that moment you are DEAD, that moment you become part of them, part of this confusion, part of this MACHINE.

No one is you. No one can give you the solution. No one can give you the truth. To give up that choice is to give up yourself.

To end this confusion, either in your life, or in general — there must first be intelligence. Intelligence which only is when there is freedom. Only when there is choice. Only when there is independent thought. Unconditioned. Uncontaminated by faith, by belief, untainted by any influence.

You must be free from all that influence. Completely free.

To give up the choice is to give up intelligence. It’s by DEFINITION unintelligent. It makes you stupid, it makes you mindless. Anytime you agree to something foisted upon you – you are giving up your intelligence.

You must disagree. Whether you’re wrong or right. You don’t know whether you’re wrong or right. But you must find out for yourself. No one can save you no one can do it for you.


Disagree, like the most arrogant, proudest, most delusional person you’d ever know.

To truly disagree, to be in complete negation, you may appear this way to the world — but you are anything but that.

The pride, the arrogance, it belongs to this world. One is proud in relation to this world. One is arrogant in relation to others.

When you are in complete negation, when you are plunging into the utter unknown, unknown which you yourself know not to be right or wrong — for that you must be completely free, completely unburdened, completely nude, completely small. There is no place for pride there, no place for arrogance – although you will appear this way to others.

You will look proud and arrogant when in reality, you will just be very, very lonely… lonely, as lonely when at last embracing this freedom, when at last shedding this cancer of dependence.

You must cherish this loneliness.

It is the only way out of this confusion.

You must disagree.