
When You Need It You Fail


When you need it you fail


Need pulls your attention from the task at hand and scatters it extraneously


Need is cognitively taxing

You can’t give it 100% if you are so focused on not losing it, on doing it in some arbitrarily right way


Try NOT needing and see how much more energy you have: without stressing, without trying to control everything, consciously, subconsciously


Create space for yourself to spread wings

Do away all constraints, all limitations

Let loose completely

Grant yourself the luxury of failing

Grant yourself the luxury of doing it YOUR way


It’s difficult to FLY in the world where everyone’s digging in the dirt, only ever concerned with some trivial little end, trivial little result, trivial little GAIN

Don’t be that person

Do it genuinely or do nothing


Get over that need, that destitution, that desperation

Do something you’re enthusiastic about or do nothing

The few things that you actually do need — do them with a vigor of a starving man

Everything else is play

Do it enthusiastically or do nothing


When you do it without having any end in mind, without being constrained by time, without being constrained by standards, without being shied away by the judgmental eyes of others… you may just discover what you’re truly capable of.

You should also find joy you’ve forgotten since your child days. Since the days you were unconstrained for the last time, not greedy and not ambitious and not so fucking sad and desperate

Reconnect with that innocence and you should know joy, and you should know creativity