What does it mean you need something?
Does it mean it is required for you to accomplish your goals?
Does it mean it’s presence has a positive impact on your well-being, your happiness?
Does it mean it’s absence has a negative impact on your well-being, your happiness?
I suppose if this was the meaning of the word – then yes — NEEDING would be a good habit
But then the converse:
Anytime what you think you need doesn’t actually CONTRIBUTE — you don’t really need it
In that case it’s just a bad habit
This is why I would recommend acquiring more… then discarding more
Acquiring more items, not just material, but mostly experiential, intellectual, spiritual… is but an act of living.
It’s not more nor less.
Not more than life and not less.
Living is DOING things, which is a form of taking CONTROL of things, which is a form of acquiring things, acquiring control, power
Then relinquishing things
So that one can acquire different things
And eventually — so that others can now acquire things
Yes I would recommend discarding more — to learn what you truly “need”
If you don’t noticeably find yourself impacted by the need discarded — perhaps you didn’t really need it
And sometimes I would even recommend discarding that which you genuinely need, in some way
For there are levels to this need business
One only knows VALUE of anything in RELATION to something else.
Likewise one only knows how much they need something in RELATION to some other need
Discard some of what you need — see what you’re missing the most
Learn what you need — and learn gratitude
Learn what you don’t need — and free yourself