Lifestyle Spirituality

Know How Much Negative Energy You Can Take with Impunity

Know how much negative energy you can take with impunity


Your ability to absorb negative energy is predicated on your energetic level

The higher you are — the more you can take

It’s not a function of willpower or strength

And it doesn’t mean you ought to take that negativity either. Sometimes you just have to


Unless you’re far beyond certain energetic level, far beyond lower levels of consciousness — they will drag you down


For instance:

When your current reality is “being productive” — spending time with degenerate slackers will eventually demotivate you… as opposed to spending time with other motivated individuals

or When your current reality is optimism and trust — spending time with fatalists and pessimists will eventually poison you

or when your current reality is that of peace, acceptance and loving — being thrown into a turmoil and struggle will eventually mar your tranquillity and make you forget the beauty of the present moment, and it’s truth


We think it’s a matter of willpower or something

It’s not

An inspired artist can paint one painting after another non stop. He doesn’t get tired

A depressed escapist video-gamer can’t even clean his room

This largely doesn’t involve willpower. It’s a matter of level of energy, level of consciousness

And you becoming exhausted by negative energy is not much of a choice either. You can resist it for some time but you will likely succumb


Understand that your environment will influence you

Like you will influence it

Hopefully you and your environment are moving up — becoming more peaceful, more loving, more inspired, more simple

But perhaps you found yourself in a regrettable situation which is lowering your spirits

Please understand that there will be consequences


Know how much negative energy you can take with impunity

When there’s too much — give yourself proper energetic recovery

If your peace of mind is ruffled by late troubles — go for a nice walk to the nature

If you found yourself amidst panic and stress — give yourself some time outside that environment

If you had too much of a certain person — understand that this is natural, that your consciousness levels likely don’t match so well — and that this creates a conflict. Take a break.

Don’t try to be STOIC about this. You can tell yourself how stoic and unflappable and unmoved you are all you want — it still won’t help you


Indeed stoicism is not you suffering through negative energy of others

Stoicism is you transcending worldly troubles with your enlightened contentment

There is nothing stoic in tolerating nonsense

Know how much negative energy you can take with impunity

Take no more then that