
NEVER justify yourself to ANYONE

 NEVER justify yourself to anyone.

Never ever.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

You don’t owe anyone anything.


When you are genuine — there is nothing more that you have to do.

When you are genuine, when you are simple, when you speak your mind, when you don’t look to manipulate people — there is nothing more that you have to give.

When you are genuine — that is enough.


When you misdo somebody — you don’t owe them nothing special. When you are genuine — your position is transparent. There is no point explaining yourself — your position, your attitude — speaks for itself.

When you are genuine — there is nothing that you would do that wouldn’t be expected from you. You are genuine and what you show to the world is WHAT YOU ARE. If someone is disappointed with what they got — it’s their fault that their expectations perverted the truth. If anyone – they owe you the apology, for not respecting who you actually are.


You explaining yourself, you justifying yourself — it is only a movement of your guilt. Guilt which is compensating for the imbalance between what you do, and what you think you should do. Guilt which is compensating for the imbalance between what you did, and you think you should have done.

You yourself will use that guilt to cope with your lack of understanding. You yourself will use that guilt to quell cognitive dissonances, your doubts, your uncertainties. You will feed yourself with guilt so that you get a little bit of security that goes with accepting the apologetic narrative, rather then accepting the uncertainty and unknown of your situation. This guilt is your way of not facing the fact that you DID, and WILL CONTINUE DOING, something which you THINK IS WRONG. You will just blame your weakness and feed yourself with more guilt.

Others will use that guilt to manipulate you. Suffering from the same delusion, feeding themselves with guilt alike, they themselves know perfectly well it’s workings. They will use it against you, they will use it to manipulate you. And you will let them.


You must resolve guilt altogether. Then you will not be used. Neither by others, nor by your own mind’s self-preserving agenda.

And until you have done that — simply stop explaining yourself. Forever.

Be genuine. With yourself first. Then you can be genuine with others.

There is nothing you should not say like there is nothing you should say. You genuineness is just your way of being. It does not compel you to divulge your secrets.

And it definitely doesn’t compel you to explaining yourself. You shouldn’t explain yourself. You shouldn’t let even the shadow of guilt creep into your mind.

Do not apologise. Do not explain yourself.

Be YOU instead. For once.