failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation
are beautiful
failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation
are beautiful
in how they dispel this grand illusion
of your grandness
you’re not grand
whether you think you’re grand or think you’re shit
you’re neither
whether you think you’re grand or think you’re shit
you do harbor hopes and desires of GRANDNESS
you are so grand tomorrow, in your dreams
you are grand and everlasting
and grand
you “made it”
what a lie
failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation
are beautiful
because they dispel this dream of grandness
failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation
are beautiful
if you can take it
can you take it?
crying is not the way
vowing is not the way determination is not the way
resignation is not the way
none of that faces the problem
all of that escapes the problem
only accepting it faces the problem
“changing it” doesn’t face the problem
you can’t change the elementary truth about yourself
you’re not so grand
you won’t be so grand tomorrow
with all your infinite freedom you are still at the mercy of tomorrow
fate doesn’t diminish your burden of choice
yet the choice itself doesn’t diminish the fate’s sovereignty over you
you are not so grand
and you will fucking die
failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation
are beautiful
if you can accept it
in the light of acceptance of the truth delusion is eradicated
the lie of hope is eradicated
the anxiety of becoming is alleviated
I know you wish you will be so pretty tomorrow
ah we all do
we all want to believe that tomorrow will be better
but it won’t be
it will be just what it’ll be
nothing more nothing less
if you can accept it
failure, weakness, inability, pain, suffering, humiliation, fear, injustice, destitution, loneliness
if you can accept it
WITHOUT being either negative or positive
without judging it imposing your version of reality on it
you are free
tomorrow will be just what it’ll be
not your pipe dream not your childish ambition
not your pessimism either not your fatalism
be ready for the worst and for the best without any expectations
and in it you shall find peace and freedom