Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

“No Hope” Is Actually A Beautiful Affirmation Of The Present

Hope implies future.

One is hoping for SOMETHING to happen SOMETIME.


It doesn’t matter weather you’re hoping for something to happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or TODAY.

You hoping is you attempting to change the present, change WHAT-IS.

And attempting to improve the present is basically NON-ACCEPTANCE.


The problem with non-acceptance is that is it impossible to satisfy.

Non-acceptance occurs when we create IDEALS in our minds.

We have a certain memory of us feeling certain way and being certain way and we create an IDEAL out of it.

Our ideal is a creation based on our memory, it is merely a consequence of a recording, it is but a single event in time, once present, now dead. But the mind, which ever wants to perpetuate itself, which ever strives for permanency, it is infatuated with such ideals.

In such ideals we find shelter, we find comfort from the unsettling thoughts of death, and of UNCERTAINTY. Permanent is certain, permanent is immortal, hence we strive for permanency, but it is but a mirage.

And it is then, when an ideal, an idea, becomes all-important, that we reject the REAL, the present, and succumb to non-acceptance and illusions.

And since the ideal is an illusionary creation of our own minds, it is utterly unreachable, it is insatiable, and it will continue to RECREATE itself, for it’s very essence is it’s “illusionary”, hence “UNREALISTIC”, NATURE.


HOPE is the fruit of such illusions.

I am talking “psychological” hope. Not hope, as probability.

Psychological hope is non-acceptance of the present, it is an escape from it.


NO HOPE” is actually a beautiful affirmation of the PRESENT.

