Lifestyle Philosophy

No One Dies Perfect

No one dies perfect


Everyone wastes their potential


There’s absolutely no reason to believe that ANYTHING should EVER solve, should EVER improve,

There’s every reason to believe that you will die, and you will die having failed to solve your problems, have failed to improve you


What follows is,

A degree of urgency

But also a degree of surrender



There’s no reason to believe that anything should change — and then you die and that’s it

If anything you do control — it’s what YOU do

If anything can change — it’s what you will DO — before you fucking die

The time is ticking,

There’s no reason to believe you should not be urgent, if there’s anything at all you want to get from this life



No one dies perfect

You might as well die now

You’re a failure — who cares?

You’re dead anyway

Another dead man who failed himself and the world

You will obviously die imperfect, or far less than that — a failure

So long as you gave it your best — so long as you DID YOUR BEST TODAY — the rest is in god’s hands

Forgive yourself

Perhaps it was really meant to be


No one dies perfect