Lifestyle Philosophy

You Really Have No Time To Wait For Help

If you solve your problems IN SPITE OF RESISTANCE — then you solved your problems PERIOD (resistance or not)

If you don’t solve your problems however — then there’s NO GUARANTEE they will ever be SOLVED — even if the resistance is alleviated


There is only now

Right now you have a problem

Right now you can only DO something about it or not

What MAY happen tomorrow — doesn’t matter

The ideological or moral characteristic of it — don’t matter

Problem is a problem and you can ONLY do one of the two things with it:


-or do NOTHING


You may be in an unfortunate position right now, with an outsized resistance directed against you

INDEED everything changes and you CAN likely expect the resistance to dissipate

But what I’m saying is that you really can’t ever FULLY CONTROL TOMORROW

But you can control today,

And if you really want the problem gone — you can solve it RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW

This is the ONLY GUARANTEE in the situation


Also, how do you truly know you’re so disadvantaged?

Again the same principle applies: if you’re right, and you are truly currently “unlucky” — then TOMORROW your luck will turn around — IF you’re right

But if you’re wrong — then you will be waiting forever

Why wait

Why not DO something

Why not assume that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE



If you’re truly disadvantaged — you’re now being less efficient — by overcoming obstacles which shouldn’t be there

However curse can be a blessing

Skills you develop playing on the hard mode PREPARE YOU for solving higher level problems

You may be struggling with a trivial problem right now — failing to overcome simply because of unfortunate circumstances

But skills you develop will aid you when you’re facing truly difficult problems

Bad luck is great


Oh and finally,

You can control your input

You can tinker

You can make a low-cost attempt at solving your problems

If you’re truly disadvantaged — you will achieve nothing — and attempt it tomorrow, when the winds are more favourable

If you’re not so disadvantaged — you will see some progress — which will inform you on the prospects

And if you were completely wrong — then your problem will be magically solved, it will turn out to be easy and your small effort will have solved it



There really is no time to wait for the change of fortune

Just make your own fortune, obviously