Philosophy World


-There’s normal and abnormal

-Then there’s a spectrum from bad to good, low to high

-Then there’s “good abnormal” and “bad abnormal”

-In any matter: the “normal” lies somewhere on the bad-good spectrum (low-high spectrum): and the “good abnormal” is above the normal, and the “bad abnormal” is below the normal


In any matter and at any level of that matter — it tends to be difficult to change that level, and to understand other levels

It’s generally slightly easier to be “normal” then to be “abnormal” — because the NORMAL is that which is prevalent, by definition — and thus it is that which influences one the most

However the tendency to status quo, to maintaining one’s homeostasis, to maintaining consistency of one’s identity, to maintaining one’s momentum/inertia — that is ultimately even more powerful then the TYRANNY of the TYPICAL, ORDINARY — and it is a tyranny itself

One tends to create a bubble around himself which insulates them from the world. Thus they become separated from the “normal” of the world — and their own “normal” becomes THE normal

Thus your own “normal” reality is your prison — and then the world’s “normal” reality is the bigger prison. Either way you’re in prison. This is why it’s difficult to change oneself.


Now, the goal is obviously to ELEVATE (change for the better)

The impediments are two:

-THE normal = what everyone around you does (world’s prison, big prison)

-YOUR “normal” = what you do EVERY day (your prison, small prison)

THE normal, in any matter, can be high of low. There are prevalent behaviours and beliefs in our society which are incredibly counterproductive. Some are outright harmful.

But there are also noble values passed from generation to generation which lift society higher.

And then there are of course “obvious” truths which are assumed to be correct — and many of them actually are — e.g. “don’t try to fly from the top of the building”.

The normal in any matter can be high or low. Your goal in any matter is to elevate your level.

Sometimes the normal is already the highest level (don’t jump out of a fucking building). Usually it’s middling. Sometimes it’s low.

Most of us are “normal”. Normal in most matters. They will benefit from moving to a higher level than normal.

Their first challenge lies in even recognizing that there is something beyond the “normal”. That there is higher level than normal.

Now, the level higher of normal — becomes abnormal. And the higher beyond the normal — the more abnormal.

And here lies the second challenge,

NOT CONFUSING the “lower abnormal”, the “bad abnormal”, for the “higher abnormal”, the “good abnormal”. Understanding that ABNORMAL can be good or it can be bad. It can be lower or higher then the normal. That NOT all abnormal is good or better then the normal.


And this confusion is extraordinarily common

Because, like I said — it’s NOT EASY being ABNORMAL. It’s easier to be normal.

A lot of energy is exerted just to resist the normal.

The outcome is often “good abnormal”.

But then this “good abnormal” becomes generalised as just the “abnormal”.

The normal becomes negated, in a kind of immature rebellion.

Some get stuck in that reality forever.

In certain matters they will be “good abnormal” — they will think and operate on a higher level then normal.

In certain matters they will be “bad abnormal” — they will stubbornly reject the normal — to their detriment.

And like I said: the challenge to elevate oneself is both THE NORMAL — and YOUR NORMAL. Which is that which you begin to consider normal, the way you grew used to operate.

Being normal like the rest of society can become addictive in and of itself. Being abnormal and in negation of the world can become addictive in and of itself.

Both are addictions therefore inertia, habit, blindness, and counterproductive and inimical to truth


So what do you do?

Do you become normal or abnormal?

How do you know what is “good abnormal” and what is “bad abnormal”?

How do you elevate beyond the normal?

How do you free yourself from the “bad abnormal”?


Well first you understand the nuance between the “good abnormal” and “bad abnormal”. Everything i wrote above.

Likewise you understand the nuance of the NORMAL. Normal is NOT BAD in and of itself, NOR good. Nor is it always “middling”. NORMAL can sometimes be terrible, sometimes be great, and sometimes be average. DON’T GENERALIZE.

Once that is understood you can get rid of your stupid identity around those notions

Being a rebel alone is nothing to be proud of. You can be a smart rebel or dumb rebel. It’s better to not be a rebel than to be a dumb rebel. So get rid of the “rebel” identity.

Being normal and acceptable and correct and proper is nothing to be proud of. You avoid some pitfalls — and deprive yourself million opportunities. Plus you don’t avoid all the pitfalls. “Normal” can be extraordinarily insidious.

You have to get rid of all the labels — and then decide for yourself, in EVERY MATTER EVERY SUBJECT in your life — what is the HIGHER LEVEL.

Then go for that higher level


Then go for that higher level

The resistance will always be from both THE NORMAL — and from the “normal” you hitherto adhered to (“your normal”). Both will be providing resistance — because both are THE KNOWN, THE COMFORTABLE, THE ACCEPTABLE.

In that sense: generalization of the abnormal as “always good” is perhaps sensible. Sensible in that to reach the HIGHEST LEVEL — you will invariably ALWAYS have to be abnormal.

(But like I said: of course if you are below normal — then the faith in the abnormal just prevents you from elevating yourself by lifting up to what is normal)

Therefore you will have to become psychologically ready to be the outsider, the maverick, the rebel, the outcast, the reject… because if you can’t handle that psychologically — you will avoid getting there. And it is lonely at the top.

But as you prepare yourself for the extraordinary — it is crucial that you retain neutral attitude to that which is “normal” and “functional” and usual. And not a disdainful attitude, not a stupidly critical attitude.

If you get emotional about it — you become blind. When you get emotional about it is when you again let this “rebel identity” emerge, and consolidate in those emotions.

You don’t want to have any emotions, and identity about it. You just want to MOVE HIGHER when you see the possibility.


You want to be ready to be ABNORMAL,

But you don’t identify with the abnormal, nor normal. You’re not emotional about it. You don’t hold beliefs about it. You don’t generalize it.

You just move HIGHER when you see an opportunity.

And sometimes “higher” will be going back to normal, actually.

And often “higher” will be stepping out of the normal, the matrix — and to some place unknown.


Have the courage to be different,

But no ego, no identity, and no beliefs about it.

Move beyond normal when you can. Respect the normal for what it’s worth