Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Nostalgia is Defeatist in Nature and Delusional Too

You should literally forget your past

There is literally nothing worth remembering


IT is utterly impossible to bring back the past

Even if you bring “back” the past — you’re really only creating the future


Past, as you recall it — has nothing to do with what happened

Past is idealized or demonized to fit your current beliefs

You write your own narrative to suit what you want to believe

It is thus a self-induglent and delusional process — rather then worthwhile and meaningful and constructive


You accumulate memories like you would accumulate money

At first it’s useful — eventually it’s overabundant, surfeit, and thus useless

It becomes a distraction


See what is there to gain from the past?

Knowledge, at first, yes

Inspiration? Not truly

And after that — it’s only a distraction, delusion, procrastination


Your achievements are a patch for ego

You, who stagnated, seeking some pride in the past

There is only what you did today

What you did today is the only thing to ever be proud of

And anything but that is a distraction — thus detrimental to you today, the REAL you today


To be nostalgic is to be defeatist

It is to assume that you have no power over today to bring about any reality that you should desire

I never met a true doer who complained about days begone

To be nostalgic is also to be delusional and ignorant

You are being ignorant of your own minds idealisations

You are blissfully ignorant to indulge yourself in the nectars of nostalgia — rather than do something


Why did I write this text?

To remind myself how nonsensical nostalgia is

And to remind myself to remind others how nonsensical nostalgia is


Truly the only way to look at the past is in the context of what you can do today

Obviously it’s the only productive way, proactive way, since it’s the only one which entails action (rather then mawkish sighing)

Remind yourself when you look back that the real reason you’re looking back is to look forward — is to do something

Then do something — don’t linger in that reality for too long

It is obviously defeatist and unreal, it’s no place you want to be, if you’re interested in LIVING


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