
You’re Not An Exception

You’re not an exception.

If you are – prove it ten times over.

There are many flimsy reasons to believe oneself to be special but very few real ones.

Check ten times before you dismiss a well-proven general rule.


The reason to break all the rules is to break them,

not your narcissistic whims

you don’t break the rules so that you pander to your ego

you break the rules so as to USHER into the new


Exceptional must be earned
must be paid for
one must immerse in the unknown, which is rather terrifying

unknown -> exceptional
the converse is also true
known -> unexceptional / “you’re not an exception”
If you’re dealing with the known, with the well-trodden… then you’re likely subject to the general rules
You’re dealing with the known, dealing with the common, you’re not doing anything exceptional, you’re not exceptional — and you’re truly best-off toeing the line
If toeing the line is not your style — earn it. With the courage of exploring the truly new.
You’re subject to the general rules of the game until you’re MAKING the rules. The rules of your OWN game.