Lifestyle World

Not Below You

I wrote that no work is below you

No subject is below you either


If you think someone’s reasoning and argumentation is stupid — then prove it by refuting it

I’m not saying it’s not stupid

But it’s very difficult to prove it

And it reveals to you your own intellectual pretentiousness


You learn by association

You associate with people at your level

You learn from them and they learn from you

You don’t question every single belief. That would be counter productive, and would defeat the purpose of learning from others

By learning from others you learn more rapidly

However your learnings lack depth, which is acquired individually


When you meet a fool that doesn’t match your level, be grateful. This is your opportunity to be separated from the echo chamber of your current reality

Go ahead and PROVE to him why you’re right and he’s wrong

Use proper, irrefutable logic — moving slowly through the chain of understanding


This is no easy task

Therefore no subject is below you

No conversation is below you

You can always step up your clarity and rhetorics