Philosophy World

No, We Are Not Better Than Our Modern World

-There’s the mediocre majority

-The excellent minority

-And the backwards minority

-I believe the whole is pushed forward by the excellent minority

-The excellent minority, the heroes, the precursors, the visionaries, the saints, are miles ahead

-The mediocre majority is slightly behind the average of the whole, because the whole is pushed forward by the excellent minority

-The backwards minority, the dregs of the society, provide extra resistance, which can sometimes be enough to completely stifle all progress


If the society progresses indeed — it’s the work of that excellent minority.

It is done in spite of the backwards minority,

And it is done in spite of the mediocre majority, and it’s inertia.

The progress of the society, the progressive, evolving ideas present in a progressive society — are thus, on average — slightly ahead of what the mediocre majority can possibly understand.

Those ideas are the synthesis of the vision and work of the excellent minority — and the highest potential of the mediocre majority.

Mediocre majority profoundly reduces potential of the excellent minority — but is nevertheless uplifted by it — and made better for it. Some of the visionary ideas and ideals manage to find traction and push the whole forwards.


To put it even more simply,

-You have 10 man with value 1, 2 man with value 5, and 2 man with value -1.

-The mediocre majority is collectively worth 10, and on average worth 1

-The inclusion of the excellent minority renders the whole worth 20, and average worth 20/12 = 1.(6)

-The inclusion of the backwards minority renders the whole worth 18, and the average worth 18/14 = 1.3

-Thus the inclusion of the excellent minority elevates the whole, as a whole, and on average.


My point is,

Unless you’re in the excellent minority, miles ahead of everyone else — than most likely you’re in the mediocre majority.

If the society is growing, evolving, progressing — than likely some of the excellent, lofty ideas of the excellent minority are being realised.

Ideas which are beyond your understanding.


Now, when I say progressive — I don’t mean “progressive”, don’t mean left wing.

Progress is progress.

Sometimes progress is consolidation and maximisation of that which is already precious.

Sometimes progress is destruction of the old.

Left and right is not the argument here. You decide if I’m left or right — and fuck off.


You think you’re smart but likely you’re in the mediocre majority.

There are many profound ideas in our society which you take for granted but have little understanding of. And if you were to re-make the system — you would be clueless. You wouldn’t know why those things are so valuable and how to recreate them:

-Private ownership and capital markets

-State AND civil liberty

-The rule of law, The separation of powers


-Accountability, skin in the game

-Education and academia

-Free market — AND regulations


This is the backbone of our modern society.

Could it be better? Yes.

Do you have but the slightest clue how to make it better? No.

Do you have but rudimentary understanding of how it actually works? Not really.

This is the excellent minority, working behind the scenes, to propel the whole forward.

You don’t even have to understand these concepts and their value to benefit from them.


My point is to humble up.

Everyone thinks he’s better than average.

The truth is — almost everyone is worse than average!

That’s because the excellent minority is pushing EVERYONE forward!

You’re not better than average.

The average is the system from which you benefit — which you don’t even understand.

Therefore humble up

Go vote, but don’t presume that you have a clue

Go have an opinion, but don’t presume that it’s valuable

Humble up instead and start with yourself, tangibly improving everything in your life every day.

And show some gratitude and appreciation to the world you were born to,

Let’s try not to ruin it