Lifestyle Philosophy World

To Not Be Cynical in the Age of the Internet

EVERYTHING is on the internet today.

You can see everything, learning everything.

You don’t have to search for knowledge. knowledge finds you.

You don’t have to search for experts. experts find you.

The barrier of entry has been reduced to 0.

Do you know what’s the last barrier of entry? Actually DOING something. Actually testing. Actually executing. Actually implementing.


Previously you had to really care. You had to really care, so that you’d search for your answers really seriously, so that you’d find answers

Before you found any information at all you had already committed a ton of your time.

And most likely, it was a serious problem you were trying to solve. No one was telling you what solutions you need for problems you didn’t know you had.

Most likely you had a serious problem — you were trying to solve it, YOURSELF, you were actually having skin in the game, actually were INVESTED in trying to find a solution, and were actively involved in it,

and as you kept failing — eventually you turned to asking others for solutions

And it wasn’t one click away

It was many books away, or many human interactions away, or even half the world away, or all of it


Today you don’t even have a problem — and you already are showered with solutions

And if you do have a problem? You google that bitch

You google it long before you tried solving it — because it’s so easy

And it’s great that you google it. You immediately find your solutions

It’s great

If the advice is right


If the advice is right

TECHNICAL ADVICE will be great

VERY SPECIFIC advice will be great

But the more complex, vague, intangible the problem — the harder it is to have a very concrete, proven solution

Often there isn’t ONE good solution

Often the opinions differ

Often it can’t really be proven, there’s too many variables

And often you can’t just test it in an hour. You will be testing it for months. And even then you may not know for sure.


And it’s not just you who can now easily search for “solutions”, search for knowledge,

Those wishing to share their great “wisdom” can now do so with close to NO barrier of entry

The internet DOESN’T CARE.

Internet doesn’t care about your education. Internet doesn’t care about your background. Internet doesn’t care about your experience. Internet doesn’t care about your qualifications.

And on the internet you don’t need a publisher. You don’t need a studio. You don’t need peer review. You don’t need an investor

On the internet — if the INTERNET likes it — it will give you all of that

It will give you distribution. It will give you resources. It will even “prove” you right. People will come together in some single place on the internet and will dedicate their minds to MAKING “right” that which you said was right.


I’m not saying EVERYONE will win on the internet.

I’m saying SOMEONE will win on the internet.

Someone who WILL get lucky,

But previously — to even compete — you had to actually represent something

Now you don’t have to

Anyone can buy this internet lottery ticket — and pose as an expert, as a guru, as an influencer, as the authority, as a voice

Anyone can be the king.


…And of course we already know what this resulted in, already

People are still braindead enough to fund this parody

The vast majority is still braindead enough to fuel this parody,

And once they finally become disillusioned — they become the SCEPTICS


Now, you’d think it’s a great thing, becoming a sceptic. A bona fide liberation from the lies


The opposite of wrong is not true.

And sceptics?

Sceptics are even worse

The naive consumers of the utter nonsense that internet is producing, they will consume all this junk, be sick from it, do nothing, and eventually die.

And what will sceptics do?

The sceptics will reject the utter nonsense that internet is producing, but they will still consume a lot of it (so that they can be “sceptical”, sceptical of something). And they will still get sick. And then they will still do nothing anyway. And eventually die

The naive, actually, have some hope of doing something.

At least they have a chance

So I would rather be naive than be a sceptic.

Because ONLY IN DOING do you find the truth.


And what is the truth?

The truth is that internet has really redefined how stupid humans can be. Took it to new heights. Spawned movements and ideologies we wouldn’t dare believe could come to life

It connected the weirdest weirdos from across the world, so that they bubble that would otherwise burst is now impenetrable. They support each other in their utter delusions, producing more nonsense doctrines than religions ever did before them,

Indeed religion is what this drivel is. A replacement for religion. Modern hope.


But this is not the whole truth

The whole truth is that internet gave access to all the knowledge under the sun

Connected the greatest minds from every corner of the world


Just like it amplified nonsense, in their own bubbles of insanity — so it amplified EXCELLENCE, when like minded man came together, shared ideas together, worked together, build things together

Internet is a tool

It’s an unbelievable tool

It’s a “too good to be true” tool.

But does “too good” mean that it’s not true?


Does “too good” mean that it’s not true?


It really is that good

And this is the entire problem

In this abject COSMOS OF SHIT that the internet is — lie TREASURES that were never, never fucking ever accessible, not to you and me, not to kings either

And it’s not just that they are there

If you know what to be looking for, and learn to SHOVEL through all of that shit and rot and filth and depravity — then you can find it pretty fucking efficiently.

Even if all of it existed before — which it didn’t — you just wouldn’t be able to find it. You’d just have to go through too much information.


But today?

Today you can just download it

-You can instantly have the PARTICULAR DETAIL that you want

-You can have the summary, or you can have the whole

-You can have it paraphrased, whichever way you like

-You can watch it practically applied, you can have that data

-You can watch ANYTHING being done — watch things no one bothered to document ever before.


Information that you wouldn’t write a fucking book about — but it will be on someone’s VLOG

And a fucking BONA FIDE ROBOT will help you find it

And how is that not extremely powerful?

And conductive to an EXPLOSION of UNDERSTANDING?


Now you may say that “it’s all in the classics”

Fuck no

The TRUTH of EXISTENCE is changeless, yes.

But everything else? Fuck no


And i don’t think you should.

Should you download a POP version of the classics into your head?

Why not? As long as you don’t delude yourself that it’s anything more then that, and that you have a clue.

But as you do — at least you’re giving yourself a chance.

I would imagine that to those who seek, seek deeper truths — internet facilitated this process

Even if you will then reach for a million year old book — you still learned about it ON THE INTERNET.


….so this is the problem,

We ate so much shit on the internet that we are now cynical

And we fail to recognize the UNREAL potential of this thing, the WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE which therein can be found,


If it’s “too good to be true” — it’s a SCAM

If he’s selling something — he’s a SCAMMER

If he said something you don’t agree with — then everything he said is WRONG

If he was wrong once — he is always wrong

If he can’t prove something — that proves he’s wrong (absence of evidence is evidence of absence, after all)





Instead of TRYING to APPLY those teachings — and see what good they are for

Or even trying to make a very cogent argument for it, AND against it



It’s either we let ourselves become INTOXICATED with lies and promises,

Or we REJECT IT ALL, indiscriminately,

Enlightened monkey contrarians



I’m done criticising anything

I’m done being either “sceptical” or inspired

I just fucking listen

And then I fucking DO something

Maybe it’s for me, maybe it’s not

If it doesn’t work, who cares. I’ll try something else

I don’t care who sold me that. I bought it. I tried it. Didn’t work. I move on. It’s on me


The greatest punishment for delusion is delusion.

Do you know what being a scammer does to your self-esteem? I don’t wanna know.

Do you know how absolutely deletorious thinking that you know is? It’s like becoming brain-dead. Your brain is closed for absorbing new information

Do you know how terrible being famous is? Good luck changing once the world has already decided for you WHAT YOU ARE. IT’s hard enough changing without anyone forcing you to be something.

The cancer that is consuming the internet and the world, the hitherto unknown level of NONSENSE and DELUSION – it will die.

It may not die today, it may grow much bigger,

But it will die

SCEPTICS are already trying to kill it,


…But I don’t want you to be a sceptic, cynic

Nor a critic

I want you to make your life better,

Let this cancer die

Don’t feed it and it will die

If we didn’t feed it — it would die

Don’t become cynical

Appreciate good work some of us are doing

Let the cancer die

Please don’t become cynical

You have NO IDEA what is possible


Open your mind

Please don’t be cynical

Even if it gets worse