Philosophy Spirituality

Not Know You Don’t Know, Not Know You Know

You lose understanding by trying to understand it

You lose meaning by trying to find the meaning

You destroy beauty in seeking beauty

You blind yourself by looking for ideas


There’s so much more you don’t know but fool yourself into believing you know

You have ideas and beliefs about everything, whether you have any clue about it or no clue at all

You make models of reality which only work on paper, in your computer, impressive big graphs with 0 actual predictive power, a stupid useless game for grown-ups

You talk philosophy without actually living and you talk psychology without actually seeing the other person


Please understand that it’s better to know that you don’t know then it is to delude yourself that you do know

If you think you know it — you’ll NEVER know it. You will continue blocking out the truth.

You see people believe utter nonsense. They are not monkeys?! They otherwise function, communicate in full sentences — yet the nonsense they speak of sends shivers down your spine


If you have this IDEAL of KNOWING THINGS — you’ll find ways to know things, find ways to KNOW EVERYTHING, even if it’s all utterly fucking wrong — you still “know” everything


Open up your eyes and see



Please understand that there is so much you DO know — without consciously knowing that you know, without having an intellectual understanding of it, without having a model or philosophy or “idea” of it

Please conceive of the possibility that you can know things without being conscious of that knowledge.

And a way to corrupt this knowledge is by trying to distill it, trying to extract it, trying to POSSESS it.


Be logical when you can be, sure

Simplify the complicated with useful models and procedures — especially if the method yields immediate practical results (and not some abstract pseudo-scientific mambo-jumbo — the progress and understanding is facilitated by experimenters and doers — not by paper-makers)

Use logic to govern your life

But please understand when this logic invariably ends — and will only lead you astray, to this false sense of understanding, which corrupts the truth


Understand that you DON’T NEED LOGIC to see that the sky is blue and the air is fresh and the sun gently warms your skin

Talk all you want about it and make models of the sun — but not the best model of the sun or philosophical treatise will replace the feeling of the sun

And it’s not a mere feeling, mind you, but this SUN, it’s warmth on your skin — this is the EXISTENTIAL TRUTH, my friend

Truth which eludes you when you attempt to justify it, to explain it

Truth which eludes you when you equate shine with gold, when you compare mind-made properties with the actual, living truth, living nuances of the living world

But you know these truths

You know what is right

You know what is right not when you figure it out to be right — but when you cease deluding yourself

Clarity is a the end of delusion, the end of CONFUSION — rather then more ideas, more thoughts, more models, more conclusions, more beliefs, more nonsense

And you will release most of that clarity when you finally let go of what you don’t actually understand

And you will release most of that clarity when you stop trying to make everything work intellectually, when you stop trying to make everything fit neatly in your silly little weltanschauung, and when you finally start seeing

Being simple

Not thinking and worrying and figuring out but