Lifestyle World

You’re Not Ready for FREEDOM



What do I mean by such life?

-Getting a job

-Not rocking the boat

-Not trying too hard to “find yourself”

-Respecting your community, your family, your legacy, your culture

-Being grateful and contributing

-Being hard-working, diligent, useful and helpful


In regular, traditional, conservative life, you:

-you get STRUCTURE


-you get STABILITY

-you get COMMUNITY

-and communal appreciation and communal purpose

-you get SUPPORT

-you get FAMILY



You may think you don’t need the above. You may think you’re better than that.

You’re not

Then you get depressed and you don’t even know why.

(You get too little serotonin and you don’t know why. You get a bit too tense and you don’t know why)


If you read any of my texts, you know I recommend extreme rebellion

Except you’re not ready for it

Most people are not ready for it

Get a job. Start a business. Actually DO SOMETHING CONVENTIONAL WELL, first.

Then go ahead and “find yourself”, or rebel, or start a rebellion, or find freedom


INDEED I believe 99% of people should “ACCEPT THEIR FATE”

If you read any of my texts — you know I HATE how most people live their lives: boring, mindless, devoid of passion, devoid of purpose, HALF-DEAD,

I believe life unexplored is life not lived. It’s better being dead

And yet here I recommend you to “ACCEPT YOUR FATE”

I do

I think you should first get over the juvenile rebellion, get over the multitude of impulses and inspiration — and actually start with SOLVING THE REAL PROBLEMS WHICH ARE THERE IN FRONT OF YOU

You are what you did today

(You are what you TANGIBLY IMPROVED TODAY, to be precise)

Today you have REAL problems in front of you

Why not start with them?

Why go look for new problems — if you’ve OBVIOUS REAL IMPROVEMENTS to make today?


Start improving things around you — and THEN expand.

Too much of this “thinking big” business is just mental masturbation


Take it slow

Again, “accept your fate”. Accept your fate first — then SLOWLY improve things, one step at a time

REAL improvement is slow. It’s the tapestry you weave every day, with every single small improvement you find. It’s not “grand”.


Take what the WORLD gives you.

Stop denying the world’s legacy on every occasion.

You’re NOT better than the world.

You’ve no clue HOW the world works

Generations before you set it up this way, and you’re not wiser than they are, and you’re not wiser than the profound wisdom of that which SIMPLY works.

It’s EXTREMELY difficult to improve a complex system. You’re not so smart

Learn what you can from the world — then rebel


FREEDOM is for the baddest motherfuckers out there

-you better be ready to GO ALL THE WAY

-you better already have ELITE DISCIPLINE and ACCOUNTABILITY

-you better already be absolutely self-validated, psychologically LIBERATED from the opinions of the world

-you better already be willing to DIE for that which you believe in

-because when you’re FREE and run out of steam — there’s no one to give you a push… or kick in the pants…

-and you better already be utterly happy independently of your circumstances

If you’re not all of that above and more — then you’re not fucking ready


If you’re not all of that above and more — then you’re not fucking ready

And in rebelling against the world you inherit, against the situation you inherit — you prove not that you’re “better” than that — you prove that you’re LESS than that.

Because your shitty boring life is actually EASIER than the life of freedom and significance

Freedom is fucking hard

It’s hard going alone


Start by exercising more freedom as you VIGOROUSLY IMPROVE your REAL, CURRENT LIFE

There’s MORE THAN ENOUGH FREEDOM to exercise in your everyday life

We are all burdened with infinite freedom anyway. You can’t escape it. You don’t have to look for it.


I had seen what freedom does to people, when they’re not ready

You think you hate your current life, your wage-slavery and debt and the treadmill and the humdrum?

Try ABSOLUTE FREEDOM. You’re going to hate it

It will destroy you.

You’re not strong enough to not self-destruct, in self-indulgence, empty pursuits, boredom and absence of meaning, absence of guidance and absence of challenge


Get a real life. Shitty life, but real life

Then KILL IT there

Learn all there is to learn


And perhaps then you should be ready for FREEDOM

And by now you should have earned freedom too