Lifestyle World

Nothing’s NOT Real In The Age Of Internet

Nothing’s NOT real in the age of internet


You can find proof for anything in the age of internet


See what internet provided is global connectivity

But it’s more then that: it’s EASY connectivity

And flexible connectivity


The larger the number of people connected — the greater probability of finding someone just like you, with views just like you and outcomes just like you

You can have the rarest set of attributes and preferences — but there’s surely someone OUT THERE who likes exact same things as you and hates exact same things as you

Internet connect you to that person

And then another person like that

And you form a group


See, there are types of fucking perversion and weirdos that would never have emerged in the “real life”

They couldn’t ever bunch up — because they would never find another person like that

Nor would they search for such person — as great weirdos tend to have great trouble with social interactions

Here’s where EASE of connectivity comes to play

You can be sitting in your underwear in your squalid basement — and be the fucking authority in your little circle of mentally deranged creeps


“Mentally deranged creeps”

why such strong words?

Am i referring to anything in particular?


I’m referring to those of you who searched the interned for fools like yourself — in order to get more “proof” from them that the reality is the way you decided it to be

I’m not referring to some of the infamous online movements and groups — which are obviously pathetic, but really negligible, with few exceptions

The real problem is the general susceptibility to self-delusion — which internet has so kindly provided to all of us


Is internet the problem?


It’s a tool

You use it

You can use it to become enlightened

You can use it to become utterly deluded

With better engine comes greater acceleration

But you choose the road

Choose a stupid road which leads to failure — press pedal to the metal — and you get there only quicker


…and nothing’s NOT real in the age of internet

You’re still a fool if you believe that someone, real or “online”, can be a “proof” to you that something is a certain way

Sample size of ONE SAMPLE is utterly irrelevant, and you’re an idiot believing otherwise

The only way you can know it’s TRUE is if you TEST IT YOURSELF, and/or OBSERVE IT YOURSELF

but the world is mostly idiots

they never ask WHAT IS TRULY TRUE, they take truth for granted

they really are convinced by sample size of one

they are susceptible to all the psychological biases

foremost — they take so little action in their lives — that they should never get their feedback from the real world — they’re stuck in their pathetic echo chamber of nonsense

and the internet has made it worse


And what do we do about it?

There’s not so much you want to do with the fools

You can sell them something — though I don’t think this is moral

You definitely don’t want to work with them

What you should be concerned with is NOT being a fool yourself

Perhaps you’re not a complete fool — but we’re all foolish to some extent

And internet makes us MORE foolish all the same

Beware of that


I don’t want you to hang out in the same places on the internet

I don’t want you to believe most people on the internet

I don’t want you to believe most things you see on the internet

Even if it’s not directly deliberately deceitful— it is still characterised by DELUSION-fuelled self-aggrandisement

(or the opposite – which is really the same; self-hate is still a form of self-aggrandisement — it’s an AFFIRMATION of a certain EGO)

It’s just not real, mate


It’s not real, mate

None of this is

Sometimes it’s difficult to be sceptical without being cynical

Sometimes it’s difficult to be sceptical without being pessimistic

Be optimistic about the REAL WORLD

Be disillusioned with the nonsense in the internet




it’s your only hope

hope — as opportunity

hope — as psychologically desirable outcome

your only hope is to TRY those things

and MAYBE they work


maybe the lifestyle you see online as attainable and worthwhile

maybe the money-making tips work

maybe what the guru says is the ultimate truth

well you have to test it

just like in the real world


so yeah let’s not be so pessimistic


let’s stay open-minded

but do remember

nothing’s REAL on the internet

NOT even the internet itself

nothing’s REAL on the internet

not until you made it work in the REAL WORLD