
Nothing Feels Different Then Something

Perhaps, sometimes you wonder,

“what would it feel like?”

…to be very successful.

…or to live in someplace beautiful.

…or to be very smart.

…or to get together with your unrequited love.

…or to get revenge on your enemies.

…or to show everyone how much you’re worth.

…or to buy a large house.

…or to be very famous.

…or to have a Ferrari.

…or to be a fucking billionaire.


Nothing feels different then something.

What we are ever going to feel is already predetermined by our own mind’s capacity to feel.


The external thing may cause you to feel something… but it’s always you, that is feeling, that is experiencing.

You know the feeling of pleasure. You know the feeling of satisfaction. You know the feeling of blissfulness. You know the feeling of happiness. How did you get to know these feelings? You must have experienced them already.

What you keep seeking outside yourself, you have already experienced INSIDE… you have been experiencing it since the youngest age.


You wonder if a new toy or a new play will make you feel different.

It won’t.

The situation will be different. But the feeling will only be some new permutation of the same feelings you have always knew. It may be more intense… for a moment. You may say something was the “greatest pleasure of your life”. But how many times can you say that?


Nothing feels different then something.

And the moral of the story is…?

Enjoy completely the things that give you joy.

Plunge spontaneously into the new anyway… not because it will make you feel certain way… but because it will continue to make you feel ALIVE… and there is NO better feeling. There is nothing to pursue but life, and no feeling to seek after but the feeling of aliveness.