Lifestyle Philosophy

Old and New

It’s not old if you’re doing it for the first time

It’s not new if you’re still doing it for the 3rd and 103rd time


YOU are the measure of your creativity

If you don’t challenge yourself with creativity and innovation — it doesn’t matter if you are hailed original or creative or innovative

Even if you are (from the world’s standpoint) — you soon will not be



It’s NEVER old when you’re learning

Are you the second person or the nth person doing it — as long as you’re learning — you’re LEARNING.

You are naked before the the NEW, the UNKNOWN, the UNEXPLORED


This is what happens when we incentivize and FETISHIZE originality

You don’t get original people — just original looking fucking clowns

In the same time someone’s genuine pursuit is dwarfed by the phony gatekeeper of originality


It’s not old if you’re doing it for the first time

Do it — master it — then move on

If you continue ever moving — one day you will invariably end where no one else has been

…and still if you stay there for too long — it will become as stale as any place, and as congested


Please be simple

Deal with what-is, not with what-looks

Explore out of your genuine curiosity and not out of pretence

Never mind if you’re making an impression or fitting in with expectations or EVER getting very fixed and very boring results

Just do something new and then something new again

It’s new if it’s new to you and it’s old when it gets old