
The Only Justice Are The Consequences Of An Action

There is no justice.

Justice is a man-made ideal.

We may vehemently strive to bring ideals to life but ideals can never be reality. What is real is not man-made, it is not of the mind.


The only justice are the consequences of an action.


You reap what you sow.


There is nothing you “deserve”.

There is nothing that you “should do”, or “ought to do”.

Psychologically, there is no justice. There is no “you” who gets rewarded for being certain way, for being something.

There is only the cold taking of action, and it’s direct consequences.


The self, which is insecure, which is uncertain, which is seeking comfort and security, such self craves justice, it craves certainty, it seeks an idealistic model which will simplify the turbulent reality.

Once you let go of this desire, once you do accept the uncertainty of this world, it may be terrifying at first, but then, it really is only tremendously LIBERATING.

Taking responsibility over your actions, and corresponding results, puts power back in your hands.

In this power, there is freedom to choose.

We are all equal in our freedom to take responsibility and make a choice.

THIS is justice.