Philosophy Spirituality

Only Reality Can Save You

only reality can save you


only reality can save you

otherwise it’s delusion, ignorance, the DARKNESS


only reality can save you

hope is poison

desire is poison

your plans are ludicrous

only reality can save you


there’s THE reality in front of you

in front of your eyes

the sacred action and reaction



only this can save you

otherwise you’ll delude yourself


you’ll delude yourself

delude yourself what you do tomorrow

delude yourself what you think you are

delude yourself where your life is going

delude yourself what world is like and what is good or wrong

delude yourself what ought to be

the reality doesn’t care about any of that


all our problems are the problems of ignorance

if you only knew reality you wouldn’t know problems

if you only knew what you do know and what you don’t know, and not presumed what you know, if you don’t

you wouldn’t know problems then

only reality can save you