
If You Can’t Own Who You Are Then How Could You Get What You Want?

If you can’t own who you are,

then how could you own what you like?

and then how could you GET what you WANT, get what you LIKE?


Where do you draw the line?

Where does self-consciousness start?

Does it start with your vulnerabilities?

Where do you begin to feel ashamed?

What would you rather keep from the world?


What if that what you LIKE, that what you WANT — is already in the self-conscious zone?

Well if that’s the case — then we have a CONFLICT OF INTEREST, don’t we?

Because you’re very busy concealing, denying, ultimately rejecting this part of yourself

While in the same time you like it, want it,


What emerges is some perverted confused entity

A kind of half-like half-hate,

A kind of half-pride half-shame

You like something and hate yourself for liking it, because someone might not approve

You hate something but like the comfort of knowing that others approve of it

A half-love half-hate, half-pride and half-shame,

You nourish yourself with poison



You can’t afford self-consciousness

You can’t afford to be shy

You can’t afford to be modest

Because the price is that of your OWN LIFE

Price is that of how you’d TRULY want to BE, TRULY want to LIVE


You can’t afford not to TRULY own yourself

Because until you do — you can’t trust yourself with doing what’s BEST for you

If you care what others think of you — this will FOREVER be a fucking interference, DISTORTING what you want deep within, DISTORTING how you THINK and ACT


The hiding what you think must end. You must speak your mind

The hiding of your weaknesses must end. You must let yourself be VULNERABLE. This is the only true path to strength

The hiding of what you LIKE and what you WANT must end. You are what you are. Tomorrow you’re fucking dead. There’s no time to be coy


Finally, insecurity, weakness, shyness… it must all end.

Those are not no unique character traits. Those are SICKNESSES

You’re alive right now. One day you’ll get sick and die. You’ll get sick and this will gradually immobilise you, and eventually utterly immobilise you, make you life-less. That’s death

But today you’re still alive

So choose life, not sickness

Choose that which makes you more ACTIVE, more PROACTIVE, more ADVENTUROUS, more COURAGEOUS

It’s NOT a matter of preference. This is non-negotiable. It’s life or death

You can’t afford to be shy

You can’t afford to NOT OWN who the fuck you are

The price for it is EVERYTHING you want

And ultimately your life

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