
Own Your Shame

You repress what you’re ashamed of about yourself — which in turn prevents you from addressing it’s very cause. It’s a vicious circle.

You must OWN what you’re ashamed of.

Laugh at it, really!

The more you’re ashamed of something the more it will paralyse you, and control you.

The more important is the matter to you the more it weights, and the more it’s inertia affects you.

Shame is particularly heavy — and therefore very difficult to alleviate, very difficult to move from the originating situation.

Shame must be broken down first.

Admitted. Faced.

Taken in.

Immersed in.

PLAYED with.


It’s well known that in order to change one must first admit the necessity to change. It’s the same with shame and circumstances which presuppose it.

Admit your shame. Admit it completely. Admit your situation completely. Admit your misgivings completely.

Admit it wholly and BE with it. Be with it intimately. Be intimate with that fact.

It is then when you accept it that it starts loosening it’s grip over you.