
The Paradox of Criticism

There’s the critic, the criticised, and the criticism

The subject of the criticism is the criticised

The subject of the criticism is not the critic


isn’t it ironic?

we go about criticising people and things

pretending we have higher values in mind

really just trying to assert ourselves

and yet we fail at that utterly

because the CRITICISED is by definition what is asserted in our criticism



even in negating A THING

you are asserting it

the only way to truly negate something is to let it die

obviously any time you address it, you criticise it, you whine about it — you are bringing it to life, all over again


and yet this is what we do

whine and criticise things

rather then make new things

make new world


so please see for yourself

what you criticise you assert

you don’t assert yourself in “your” criticism

you’re just reacting to the criticised, in your criticism

you’re just reacting

and you’re asserting everything you wish not to be

thus only bringing more of it


get over it

let it go

forget about it

leave it alone

turn away from it

towards the sun and the world


you should feel better

and you may just make a change, too